- 5 new messages in 4 topics - digest

Today's topics:

* Phillips screw security bit? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* beautiful article about the pretty good and beauty woman - 1 messages, 1
* Icom IC-7000 VHF/UHF Transceiver "Adjustment Mode" - 1 messages, 1 author
* can i bring new life to this old VCR? - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Phillips screw security bit?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 19 2010 5:08 pm
From: David Nebenzahl

On 10/19/2010 4:07 PM Allodoxaphobia spake thus:

> On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 09:28:28 -0700, wrote:
>> On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 12:09:59 -0700, "David Farber"
>> <> wrote:
>>> I'm trying to disassemble a Kill-A-Watt P4460. A device that was
>>> plugged into it had some electrical problem and caused the
>>> circuit breaker in my house to trip. When I removed the
>>> Kill-A-Watt from the ac outlet, the ground pin had a nice burn
>>> mark on it and now the display is dead. There are three Phillips
>>> screws on the back of the unit but one of them appears to have
>>> one of those raised points in the center of it which prevent you
>>> from putting in a regular bit. I cannot find any security tool in
>>> my collection that fits this type of screw. I'm not even sure
>>> what to search for online. The screw looks like a torx bit but it
>>> only has four notches. Any idea what tool fits this?
>> The tool is called a Phillips Security Bit. They aren't uncommon.
>> I've seen them at swap meets, ham fests, and are available on eBay.
> Harbor Freight sells a small rubber block holding 32 bits for all
> manner of styles and sizes of such weird drivers. Use'em in a 1/4"
> hex nut driver (or, 1/2" power drill....) All Made in Chia -- but
> you can't avoid that easily now-a-days.

I have that set, as I mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but it doesn't
have the bit the O.P. needs (Phillips-with-a-hole-in-the-middle). It
does, however, have some other interesting "security" bits, and as
Michael Terrell pointed out, HF sells other security bit sets that may
have it. The quality is very good, BTW.

But any decent hardware store will probably have the needed bit. (*Not*
the big orange store.)

The fashion in killing has an insouciant, flirty style this spring,
with the flaunting of well-defined muscle, wrapped in flags.

- Comment from an article on (

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 19 2010 6:04 pm
From: Allodoxaphobia

On 19 Oct 2010 23:07:23 GMT, Allodoxaphobia wrote:

> ... All Made in Chia -- but you can't avoid that easily now-a-days.

My apologies to the makers of the Chia Pet -- which I did not mean
to denigrate. (But, it's probably made in China now, too...)


TOPIC: beautiful article about the pretty good and beauty woman

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 19 2010 5:50 pm
From: world-trade

In general, pretty girls are picky. When a single man get into the
heart of a pretty

woman, she will stay with you forever. The harder you get, the longer
you maintain. The

old saying is easy come, easy go. These great dating tips of how to
get your pretty

dating girls or pretty women on bed. Remember, not all pretty girls
are the same so you

have to change the method somehow. Pretty women or pretty girls are
different from other

girls, they are pickier. Pretty girls or beautiful women are different
from other dating

women. To know exactly what pretty ladies like you need to pay
attention to these

following great tips. Whether meeting pretty women at the nightclub,
in school, or

somewhere else, many single men have a hard time on getting their
pretty girls on bed.

The main reason is that they do not know how to get pretty women to
bed with them.

However, you have to remember that it is usually too hard to get
pretty ladies to bed

with you if you just met them for a few hours or on the first dates.

Love, romance, and intimate need to be taking time so women can
understand more about

their men before they bed with you. It is not about you are not
handsome to make her

getting attractive to you, but because you just don't know how to talk
to pretty girls. I

know many friends who are not handsome but they married to very
beautiful pretty wives. I

am going to show you some ways that you can get your dating pretty
woman on bed easily

after the third date or so. As you know that many pretty women in
beautiful or Western

countries don't like to sleep with men they first meet so do not try
that on the first

date but you need to make her feel attractive to you first. Pretty
girls like sweet talk

from dating men: it is very important that you use nice and sweet
words every time you

talk to her. pretty women really love sweet talk so you must use nice
words to talk to

her. This is the main key which makes your pretty lady feel good and
safe. You should

also talk to her with a smile all the time. When she feels good about
you, she will bed

with you.

Also, pretty women like to be told that they are very beautiful: each
pretty woman has

her own beauty. You should find that specific beauty from your pretty
woman and tell her

that. If she has a big nose, then you can't say her nose is very
beautiful. She will know

that you are telling a lie. Moreover, pretty ladies like polite guys:
when walking with

her, do not look at other ladies, make her feel she is "the one" you
have. Open the car

door for her and close the car door every time you go with her. There
are also some other

politely ways you can do to make her feel more attractive to you, such
as bringing the

drinks or food to her, and etc. The final dating tips are pretty girls
do not like men

talk about sex in front of her: if you keep talking about intimate
moment of your last

girlfriend, she will be bored and think that you only want the sex.

Meeting pretty girls and women is easy as 1, 2, and 3. So, are you
ready to meet pretty

girls? Do not wait. Take action now. Join these free dating sites and
meet that special

soul mate of your dream

TOPIC: Icom IC-7000 VHF/UHF Transceiver "Adjustment Mode"

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Oct 19 2010 11:41 pm
From: Jeff Liebermann

On Tue, 19 Oct 2010 12:41:23 -0400, wrote:

> Well it looks like I have evidence that the problem may be the final amp
>or associated circuit. In the "Adjustment mode", I checked the idle current
>(transmit SSB without modulation with a current meter in the power supply line
>as described in the SM. For HF/50M and 144M against a "00" setting reference
>(as described in the SM), the current was higher by the specified amount
>compared to the "00" reference. However, for 430M, the idle current is the
>same as the "00" reference, and it can not be increase (in transmit) to the
>value specified in the SM. Rotating the adjustment dial, which shows a
>change in the number, has no effect on the idle current.
> I will not pursue this any further at this time. I am able to use
> 430 MHZ SSB, but at a lower power level (around 18W).

Kinda looks like the RD60HUF1 RF output xistor might be toast. The
Vgs bias adjustment is a DC characteristic, and does not require any
RF drive to function. See Pg 2/7 which shows the Vgs to Igs graph. At
Ids=2.5A, Vgs should be 2.5 volts. You can measure that with a
volts-guesser by simply removing the bottom cover:
$29.20 from RF Parts.

Jeff Liebermann
150 Felker St #D
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

TOPIC: can i bring new life to this old VCR?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 20 2010 12:24 am
From: "N_Cook"

Wild_Bill <> wrote in message

Whats this with plastic bags for preservation. First you get brown oiliness
of the plasticiser? (from the plastic or the band?) in the bag after some
years and then they perish as "in the field".
I store salvaged bands in open cardboard boxes with a good sprinkling of
powder, or over suspended cardboard cones that then show automatically the
sizes, again dusted with talc. Every now and then a rogue one goes gooey but
it does not set the
remainder off like an infection.


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