Digest for sci.electronics.repair@googlegroups.com - 4 updates in 4 topics

fynnashba@gmail.com: Jul 05 09:06AM -0700

Please can someone recommend or direct me to where i can get a good textbook on PAL colour and mono chrome TV?
Thanks to you all in advance
fynnashba@gmail.com: Jul 05 09:01AM -0700

Please i like to know the following specification for 625 PAL TV system.
1) The number of lines per frame
2) Frames per second
3) Field frequency.
Then the frequencies of the following:
4) Colour burst
5) Sub-carrier
6) Video bandwidth
7) sound IF
8) Video IF
Thank you
Jeff Urban <jurb6006@gmail.com>: Jul 05 01:56AM -0700

>Let's hear. I want to know all about how to steal $2 of electricity >per month with complex devices.
Sounds like those generators. For about a million bucks they will feed your house electricity for about seven years. Divide it up, do you pay $11K a month for electricity ?
If they got a device for like two grand that saves you two bucks a month it takes years for it to be cost effective. And that is if it works. Power companies put millions to make sure it doesn't.
What I said about pulsing very fast and hard, that can fool an old mechanical meter because of what is known as mass. With totally electronic ones you have to pull the juice so fast it clips, like an audio amp.
Still, electricity is relatively cheap. Try making your own. Get a Generac, now look at its fuel consumption and you will see it costs a hell of alot more.
So my question just became - Why bother ?
etpm@whidbey.com: Jul 04 12:33PM -0700

On Sat, 4 Jul 2020 06:22:43 +0000 (UTC), Cydrome Leader
>> green sticker on the main panel to prove it.
>> Eric
>Is the green sticker some sort of local code inspector approval?
Yeah, the green sticker is what WA state uses to show that the
electrical work has passed inspection. It is filled out by the
inspector with the date and so on.
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