Digest for sci.electronics.repair@googlegroups.com - 2 updates in 1 topic

bruce2bowser@gmail.com: Jul 12 11:50AM -0700

-- https://goingsolar.com/windows-double-as-solar-panels/#:~:text=Solar%20windows%20convert%20sunlight%20that,spectrum%20coming%20through%20the%20glass.
"pfjw@aol.com" <peterwieck33@gmail.com>: Jul 13 06:41AM -0700

Solar windows - enough, per panel, to charge two (2) cell phones each day.
- If they face south.
- If the day is sunny.
- At a cost of +/- US$182 per square foot, US$2,000 per square meter.
Phone Charge: 6 watts (max) per hour.
Assume 4 hours to charge a phone.
24 watts per charge.
48 (use 50) for two phones.
In twenty (20) days, those windows will generate 1KWH of power, at the national average of US$0.13/KWH.
Peter Wieck
Melrose Park, PA
Making the payback: A very brief 843 years.
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