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Veek M <vek.m1234@gmail.com>: Jul 11 07:28PM +0530 Someone dropped off a broken computer about 15 days ago. The only symptoms were that it didn't boot-BIOS/no-cpu-fan but greem-led-on-mobo was on. I swapped out the PSU, etc and end result was that the CPU fan was toast (didn't spin on a 3-wire header) and so was a gfx card (tried to POST on the VGA of a working box - PCIe card) Got it working and sent it back - put in a new fan) - unfortunately today, the box is dead again. This time: the fan's fine, but the mobo cpu-fan won't spin at all (no boot-bios) no matter what i do (swapped the PSU, ram, etc). Green mobo-led is on (same as before). I tested the cpu-fan (4-wire) on a 3-wire header and the fan spun up but that doesn't exclude the possibility of a the ctrl line on the fan being damaged. 1. What should I do? 2. Would it be reasonably honest to tell him to buy a new pc? I'll have to junk the PSU/mobo/cpu/ and possibly ram too. 3. How do i exclude power issues (bad smps, wall power)? How likely is this to be the cause of his misfortune? (it's not a cmos issue, new battery, flushed cmos etc) |
jurb6006@gmail.com: Jul 11 09:20AM -0700 When you have a dead PC start removing things. In fact everything except the processor. With no RAM, no cards, no drives, ANYTHING connected except the processor and the power supply it should beep. Usually like three beeps or whatever in a row, and then it repeats. If it does not do that, either the power supply, processor or motherboard are bad. |
"Ron D." <Ron.Dozier@gmail.com>: Jul 10 10:26AM -0700 response to Jeff Re >Electric meters are likely a Zigbee (peer to peer) network and eventually >communicate via a cell phone data stream. Quote=Jeff Not quite. The power meters typically use 900 MHz spread spectrum to communicated with each other using a store and forward mesh network system. Eventually, the meter reading is delivered through a series of hops by other meters to an access point radio that is connected to the internet. From there, the data goes to the utility company computah or service company. Some smart meters have a built in Zigbee radio, designed to communicate with subscriber owned energy monitors. However, there are few approved devices and the local utility (PG&E) doesn't seem interested in expanding the selection: <http://www.pge.com/en/myhome/saveenergymoney/rebates/han/validateddevice/index.page> <http://www.aztechmeter.com> I'm underwhelmed. End Quote == http://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1276705 I believe in our area the systems that reduced demand by allowing the utility to shut off the AC and/or electric hot water have been upgraded/converted to the same electric meter two-way system. We also have the ability to track demand, but I've not signed up. Previously those demand based systems were radio based. |
Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com>: Jul 10 07:05PM -0700 On Fri, 10 Jul 2015 10:26:34 -0700 (PDT), "Ron D." >I believe in our area the systems that reduced demand by allowing the utility >to shut off the AC and/or electric hot water have been upgraded/converted >to the same electric meter two-way system. Yep. That's another use for the zigbee radio in the smartmeter. I'm not sure how the local utility (PG&E) does load shedding or "demand response". <http://www.pge.com/en/mybusiness/save/energymanagement/index.page> For example, for air conditioning, they off these: <http://www.pge.com/en/myhome/saveenergymoney/plans/smartac/doihavesmartac/index.page> but I don't have a clue how they communicate. >Previously those demand based systems were radio based. >We also have the ability to >track demand, but I've not signed up. I signed up. The web pile produces a tolerable graph of charges and usage over time. What irritates me is that every time I impliment some manner of energy savings, the savings are offset by a corresponding increase in rates. Here's a spreadsheet I threw together of my monthly costs and usage from 6/2008 to 8/2014: <http://802.11junk.com/jeffl/crud/PGE-daily-2012-06-22.jpg> Note the decreasing trend line in usage, and the almost flat trendline in the cost graph. I dropped my usage by 25%, but the charges remaind the same. Grrrr... -- Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com 150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558 |
jurb6006@gmail.com: Jul 11 09:16AM -0700 Lenny, I gotta admit that I am not quite with you on this. Just working on TVs we get bombarded. Take the aux input to an audio amp and touch your finger on it, you hear hum. So there's no current in it, and actually with RF there could be, but all the radio staitons with 50,000 watts, TV transmaitters up in the megawatts and all linds of other shit, we are so bambarded it is ridiculous. I do respect your choice to endeavor to limit further exposure though. And perhaps it is time for the proverbial tinfoil hat. Not for you, but for the meter. BLocking the RF should force their hand somehow, and really there is no telling what their reaction will be. Concievably, in a place with a reall asshole government you might be charged with theft of service, which is a felony in most places these days. I object to these meters on different grounds. First of all there is no accountability. they put in "smart reaad" water meters around here recently. I have heard horror stories about these from people in Canada already. The go hayware. The water company here is already notorious for overcharging, and the water bill is married to the house here. If the bill isn't paid, even if it is in error and they bil you $100,000 for three months of water for a house with two people living in it and no leaks, you gotta pay it. And it is insidious because a title search might not show a water bill because they don't bother to file a ien. bottom line, unitl the bill is paid, there will NEVER be water in that house again, ever. It has caused alot of shit around here. But at least in the old days you could read your own meter. Our electric meters are still the old type. I can SEE when something is pullling power. With the old water meter I could see if there was a leak. If you suspect a leak you could just make it a point not to use any water for a time and see if the meter moves. I don't like not having that, and there is no accountability. And let me tell you, on the political fora they make a big thing about vote fraud. The liberals seem to ant you to be able to vote without ID or anything, just walk in there I gues, as many times as you feel like, and the republicans claim there is so much vote fraud that they lose elections. Fuck it all because voters do not mean a fucking thing because there is no paper trail. A few years ago anonymous claimed to have intercepted the data stream from the voting machines and indeed there was an irregular delay in that stream. So I don't care and I won't even bothr to vote because the people who wrote that software and/or can manipulate it have more to do with the outcome of an election than voters. So now, we have an invisible system of keeping track of how n=much utilities you use. This gives an opportunity for theft. Did anyne notice what the banks did in 2008 ? That money went somewhere. Everybodt lost, except some gained. Oh yes, and then financial experts tell me it ain't so, so what that means is the money that is gone WAS NEVER THERE. If the banks will oie, and that is what it is, you think the electric company won't ? How about the phone company ? What are 900 lines ? They had sex lines forever, but you had to use a credit card. The 900 lines are so that anyone can make those calls from yuor phone and stick you with the bill. This happened to me, but my Father figured a way out of it. Told then the person who made those calls was under 18. Old and treacherous won over young and spunky. But you cannot do that with utilities. Next, they wwant you to autopay them from your bank account. Now you don't even see the bill. So if they bill you fifty grand in "error" they get to use that money for free all the time it takes you to sue them to get it back. Plus if your bank account goes negative, they are not going to pay the overdraft charges. We are back to the banks. I have seen people pay $500 for a $5 overdraft. Why the fuck did the bank simply decline the payout ? Simple, because they make more money that way. This is how business is done these days. ANd now you HAVE to stay straight wiht the banks because so many companies will only pay by direct deposit. Or they will give you a prepaid debit card that is costs five or ten bucks in fees every time you use it. who gets that money ? So, why all the push on to ake cash and checks out of the picture ? CONTROL. They don't ant you to be able to buy a bag of weed. Shut down these damn garage sales where people pay no taxes. There are countries now that have almost eliminated cash. I wonder, do they have garage sales when they accumulate a bunch of stuff or is there simply no alternative to throwing it away ? I am not saying it is a conspiracy but they do all seem to think alike and act accordingly, and in concert for their own profit. Not a conspiracy, buit one hell of a cooperation. For electricity, bring me batteries every month. For water, bring the truck and fill my tank every once in a whole, same with gas. In fact that is how it was with coal furnaces, and to this day oil furnaces. Anyway, now we go to the dark side. Fuck legal anymore because the laws are made by our enemies. Now that this is established we can move in to effective solutions. I know a racist ex-cop. Well maybe not all that racist, but he definitely did not like rap. He would take a stun gun to the radio antenna of the cars belonging to "cooties" as he called them. Yeah, that radio that went "BOOM mufuka BOOM mufuka BOOM mufuka" don't do that no mo. 9that guy killed more people than he can count) A normal stun gun will penetrate most insulation. I warn you now, you can probably get away with this once or twice, but after they replace the meter a few times they will investiigate and there will be evidence and you might be arrested. If you got a good lawyer you ight set a precedent. You destroyed someone else's property but they put in on your property without your permission, at least your EXPLICIT permission, which is a legal standard for many other things. It depends on where you are. I think in certain states like Arizona you would do well. And "Live free or die" is only a motto. Pannsylvania's state motto is "Virtue, libert and independence" but it was there that Dr Rodriguez was shot down in court summarily when he tried to get a variance on a state law prohibiting him from discussing the effects of fracking chemicals on his patients kidneys. He is a nephrlogist and has patients with kidney failure directly caused by exposure to fracking chemicals. This i s our governemnt and it is like that at the federal level as well. Ever hear of the "Monsanto protection act" ? this is one of the richest families who woned alot of slaves back before the civil war. You think subsequent generations have been rehabilitated ? And this while they are trying to get the stars and bars banned. They cannot ban it, but they sure as hell can not use it. Just like pot. It will be legal but since you'll have to take a drug test to get a job flipping burgers, nobodyy will smoke it because they won't be able to afford it. I am describing how corporate is taking over this country, and has been doing so for a long time. Seriously, I do not agree with your grounds for abjecting to these meters, but I do agree with the objection onb my own grounds which I hope are pretty clear now. And sorry for the typos. My eyesight is that bad. It is getting almost impossible to work. |
Cursitor Doom <curd@notformail.com>: Jul 11 12:14PM Hi all, Just before I connected up the PSU to this AOR comms rx I'd bought, I thought I'd best double check the polarity was right, because someone for some reason had spliced the cable at some time and put a new plug on it. ON checking, I noted that though the polarity was correct, this psu was putting out 19.33V - whereas it's rated output was stated as 12V! This is not some cheap Chinese psu; it's the original AOR Japanese psu made by them (or at least badged by them) for this receiver. What could cause it to go from 12 to more than 19V? Don't these wall-wart style supplies have over-voltage protection/crowbars, FFS?? Just curious... |
Pat <pat@nospam.us>: Jul 11 10:10AM -0400 On Sat, 11 Jul 2015 12:14:27 +0000 (UTC), Cursitor Doom >cause it to go from 12 to more than 19V? Don't these wall-wart style >supplies have over-voltage protection/crowbars, FFS?? >Just curious... Some supplies will not regulate voltage without a load. Try measuring it again with a small load (eg, a 1K resistor) across the supply. |
Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com>: Jul 10 05:39PM -0700 On Fri, 10 Jul 2015 07:42:06 -0700 (PDT), KenO <kenitholson@yahoo.com> wrote: >Am new to ESR Meters so have been searching the Internet and Forums for info. >Appreciate comments from others that have been using ESR Meters as to >what features would be included in an "Ideal ESR Meter" I have 3 ESR meters. 1. The original Dick Smith red LED meter. <https://www.flippers.com/esrktmtr.html> 2. Capacitor Wizard analog meter: <http://midwestdevices.com> 3. A Chinese components tester: <http://www.ebay.com/itm/281538476673> All work quite well. I mostly use the Capacitor Wizard because the meter reading is faster than the digital variety, that requires shorting the leads to zero the display (to remove test cable resistance from the measurement). However, this meter is not terribly accurate below about 1 ohm. Good enough for testing electrolytic capacitors, but not good for measuring battery ESR. I'm not going to rattle off a bullet list of features for my idea of an ideal ESR meter. They are unlikely to apply to your unstated purpose. Instead, you might try to describe what you're doing and how an ESR meter would fit into your application. That will define the required features. We can then recommend a suitable product or design (if you want to build your own). -- Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com 150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558 |
Trevor Wilson <trevor@SPAMBLOCKrageaudio.com.au>: Jul 11 11:38AM +1000 On 11/07/2015 12:42 AM, KenO wrote: > for info. > Appreciate comments from others that have been using ESR Meters as to > what features would be included in an "Ideal ESR Meter" **Up until last year, I was using the Bob Parker ESR meter. Excellent device. Foolproof, cheap and very handy. OTOH, I bought one of these last year: http://www.peakelec.co.uk/acatalog/jz_esr70.html Very, VERY nice instrument. I use it every day. If you budget can stretch, it is highly recommended. -- Trevor Wilson www.rageaudio.com.au --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus |
"Ralph Mowery" <rmowery28146@earthlink.net>: Jul 10 11:18PM -0400 "Trevor Wilson" <trevor@SPAMBLOCKrageaudio.com.au> wrote in message news:d0bahrF11cbU2@mid.individual.net... > http://www.peakelec.co.uk/acatalog/jz_esr70.html > Very, VERY nice instrument. I use it every day. If you budget can stretch, > it is highly recommended. If that is too much, you can get about the same thing without a caes from China for $ 16 including shipping. There are several on ebay similar to this one. They check almost any small signal component. Ebay number 271611840945 |
Phil Allison <pallison49@gmail.com>: Jul 10 10:17PM -0700 Jeff Liebermann wrote: > meter reading is faster than the digital variety, that requires > shorting the leads to zero the display (to remove test cable > resistance from the measurement). ** How absurdly lazy, zeroing only takes one or two seconds and does not need to be repeated unless the meter is switched off. All ESR readings are virtually instantaneous after that. If the cap is being tested out of circuit, no leads are normally needed. > However, this meter is not terribly accurate below about 1 ohm. > Good enough for testing electrolytic capacitors, ** No it isn't. The ESR of most electros of over 1000uF is under 0.05 ohms. ... Phil |
Lee <cyberwitch@ukonline.net>: Jul 11 10:28AM +0100 On 11/07/2015 02:38, Trevor Wilson wrote: > http://www.peakelec.co.uk/acatalog/jz_esr70.html > Very, VERY nice instrument. I use it every day. If you budget can > stretch, it is highly recommended. +1 have one of those as well. To the other poster, I also have a couple of different Chinese clones, yes they work, (fsvow at least), but the Peak is simply much nicer to use. |
Phil Allison <pallison49@gmail.com>: Jul 11 02:52AM -0700 KenO wrote: > Appreciate comments from others that have been using ESR > Meters as to what features would be included in an > "Ideal ESR Meter". ** For a start, all the ones that Bob Parker included in his design. Being able to test the capacitance value would be an advantage, but doing so reliably when the part is still in circuit is near impossible. Be aware that the ESR meters intended for service work are only good for electrolytic caps ( regular aluminium and tantalum ) and interpreting the readings correctly requires significant operator knowledge and/or a similar electro to compare with. ... Phil |
N_Cook <diverse@tcp.co.uk>: Jul 11 10:55AM +0100 On 11/07/2015 04:18, Ralph Mowery wrote: > signal component. > Ebay number > 271611840945 The cheapo fleabay one, I could not find the pk-pk voltage in ESR mode, in the specs. Do you know what it is? I consider that to be a vital requirement as most of my testing is in-circuit , unlike the shown examples of isoltated componenent testing. Must be no more than .2V and ideally .1V, so as not to turn on anything active, in circuit |
Cursitor Doom <curd@notformail.com>: Jul 11 01:44PM On Sat, 11 Jul 2015 02:52:21 -0700, Phil Allison wrote: > electrolytic caps ( regular aluminium and tantalum ) and interpreting > the readings correctly requires significant operator knowledge and/or a > similar electro to compare with. ...Or a table of expected values vs. voltage rating vs. capacitance - which comes with the Peak meter. |
Michael Black <et472@ncf.ca>: Jul 11 09:53AM -0400 |
Phil Allison <pallison49@gmail.com>: Jul 11 07:04AM -0700 Cursitor Doom wrote: > > similar electro to compare with. > ...Or a table of expected values vs. voltage rating vs. capacitance - > which comes with the Peak meter. ** IME, such tables are far too vague and of date for modern electros. The goal in servicing & refurbishing work is to find electro caps that are *on the way out* as well as obviously dead ones. If in doubt, comparison with a the closest new electro available is a good move. ... Phil |
Jeroni Paul <JERONI.PAUL@terra.es>: Jul 11 04:21AM -0700 Snuffy Hub Cap McKinney wrote: > I have a analog TV that is still working fine and no plans to replace it. Over time, it has developed an audio hum - I'm guessing it's 60 Hz. When the picture is dark, the hum is nearly gone. The brighter the picture, the louder it is. If you are tuning analog signals on VHF/UHF recheck the fine tuning, the tuner could have drifted slighty over time. If it has AFC try to disable that and fine tune manually. The cheap scart plugs common around here tend to make poor contact and cause these problems. Usually the problem is fixed by reseating the plug. Either the pins develop some type of corrosion or contact resistance or the small wires that are pressure pressed inside the plug are not very well pressed. |
"jfeng@my-deja.com" <jfeng@my-deja.com>: Jul 10 10:18AM -0700 On Friday, July 10, 2015 at 9:39:02 AM UTC-7, Jeff Liebermann wrote: > 150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com > Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com > Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558 The Babylonians got it from some alien astronauts who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. It must be true. I read it on the internet. |
Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com>: Jul 10 05:03PM -0700 >IIRC the Etruscan day started at midday, the Jewish day at 6am, the >midnight start is just a hangover from the Romans, so sundown start is >no great problem No, it's not 6AM. The Hebrew calendar tries to follow Ye Olde Testament, where God created the heavens and the Earth on the first day, but waited until the 4th day to create the sun. Although "Let there be light" implies that there was light coming from somewhere during the first 3 days, it obviously didn't come from the sun, which first appeared on the 4th day. That also begs the question of how God knew how long to call a day, since the earth didn't have a sun handy with which to tell time. However, if the first 3 days of light came from the sun, it must have taken 4 days for the light to reach Earth, which suggests that God may have done some major remodeling of the solar system before turning on the lights. Anyway, the Bible says that the first day started with darkness and ended in light, thus making the Hebrew calendar start at sundown, the beginning of darkness. More drivel: New Years day has changed through history: <http://www.simpletoremember.com/articles/a/newyearshistory/> Jan 1 was the day that Jesus was circumcised: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumcision_of_Jesus> -- Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com 150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558 |
Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com>: Jul 10 05:17PM -0700 On Fri, 10 Jul 2015 10:18:50 -0700 (PDT), "jfeng@my-deja.com" >> I would give the blame/credit to the Babylonians. >The Babylonians got it from some alien astronauts who had >six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. No visitors from otter space required. Six fingers and/or toes not so rare: <https://www.google.com/search?q=six+fingers+and+toes&tbm=isch> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polydactyly> Please note that we all have 11 fingers total. Start counting down on one hand with 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 and 5 more on the other hand makes 11. >It must be true. I read it on the internet. The surest signs of success is pollution. I guess the internet must be successful. -- Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com 150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558 |
Jeroni Paul <JERONI.PAUL@terra.es>: Jul 11 04:07AM -0700 Jeff Liebermann wrote: > data everywhere: > <http://www.instructables.com/id/WWVB-radio-time-signal-generator-for-ATTINY45-or-A/?ALLSTEPS> > However, I've never seen a random erroneous date or time. Nice project. Now I think of someone trying to increase its range with a power stage and going way too far... This reminds me of these projects: http://www.erikyyy.de/tempest/ http://bellard.org/dvbt/ I guess something similar could be done to generate a DCF77/WWVB signal. > I don't think so. Once it gets a valid time to display, it turns off > the receiver to save battery power. No need to decode more than one > or maybe two frames. Oh, I think I didn't explain it right. I meant an additional check for valid data would be to verify that the received time falls within a reasonable window around the current time. If the clock knows that now is 1:00am +/- 2 minutes it makes no sense to receive 7:42am and take that as valid time. So the algorithm would be: if there was never a sync before or the user set the time manually => belive whatever time is received, in this case decoding of several minutes can be done as an extra check). Otherwise (there was a valid sync before and clock time was not changed manually) check the received time is within a few minutes of clock time. That would help save battery since decoding a single minute would be enough for safe daily sync. |
bleachbot <bleachbot@httrack.com>: Jul 10 10:07PM +0200 |
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