Digest for sci.electronics.repair@googlegroups.com - 5 updates in 2 topics

Jeroni Paul <JERONI.PAUL@terra.es>: Oct 16 11:53AM -0700

I recall a similar case where I found a big heavy 25W resistor fitted in the line level audio path of a JAMMA adapter. When I found the schematic I understood, it.called for a .25W resistor but the decimal point was barely visible.
M Philbrook <jamie_ka1lpa@charter.net>: Oct 16 08:05PM -0400

In article <NW9Ux.42147$rO5.4079@fx39.am4>,
gangprobing.alien@ntlworld.com says...
> If the parts are malleable metal, a drill press can be difficult to control
> how much metal is removed.
> Usually a 3/8" (10mm) drill bit held in the hand is quite sufficient.
A center drill,tapered counterbore/sink or chamfer cutters are great for
task like that.
Make sure its metal grade..
Phil Allison <pallison49@gmail.com>: Oct 16 10:55PM -0700

Ian Field wrote:
> > Those holes need to be de-burred in a drill press.
> If the parts are malleable metal, a drill press can be difficult to control
> how much metal is removed.
** Done about a dozen of them that way, it was quick & easy with a light touch on the feed handle. There are 5 or 6 holes that need doing at both ends.
The cast alloy was a bit too hard for a drill bit held in the fingers.

... Phil
"THE COLONEL, Ph.D" <ima_phd_two@hotartrs.edu>: Oct 17 05:14AM +0100

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From: "THE COLONEL, Ph.D" <ima_phd_two@hotartrs.edu>
Subject: Re: EPA caught VW cheating - how does the car know it's being tested?
Message-ID: <mtjqar$i7o$1@dont-email.me>
Newsgroups: alt.home.repair,rec.autos.tech,sci.electronics.repair
"THE COLONEL, Ph.D" <ima_phd_two@hotartrs.edu>: Oct 17 05:14AM +0100

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From: "THE COLONEL, Ph.D" <ima_phd_two@hotartrs.edu>
Subject: Re: EPA caught VW cheating - how does the car know it's being tested?
Message-ID: <mtrjuq$n51$1@dont-email.me>
Newsgroups: alt.home.repair,rec.autos.tech,sci.electronics.repair
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