Digest for sci.electronics.repair@googlegroups.com - 9 updates in 5 topics

N_Cook <diverse@tcp.co.uk>: May 10 11:49AM +0100

This is the bruxsh material, wrong angle to see any 2/3 fingers
"pfjw@aol.com" <pfjw@aol.com>: May 10 05:32AM -0700

On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 at 6:49:16 AM UTC-4, N_Cook wrote:
> This is the bruxsh material, wrong angle to see any 2/3 fingers
> http://pacificstereo.net/motor/Mabuchi%20brushes.jpg
OK - that is a "between" motor after what I thought you were discussing:
http://www.gasolinealleyantiques.com/kits/images/CarLindberg/lind-t1.jpg Look at the motor pictured on the box. These used spring-bronze brushes.
Your pictured motor is a substantial improvement over the older stuff, and those brushes are plated spring steel. As I remember, the plating was for wear, and the little black bits were for vibration damping. This goes back to my slot-car days, too long ago to admit to in cold blood. So I am not sure of the material and type of plating. I suspect a flash rather than a true 3-metal process - that would be too thick and too costly. With that in mind, I suspect tin as the material.
If you are looking for a stock material for making new ones, K&S has a line of hobby sheet goods all the way down to 40 gauge (0.0055") that would do. Typically their sheets sell in the US$7-10 range. The really thin stuff may be cut with sewing sheers, so there is no roll at the edge. You really don't need the tin as a somewhat shortened service life is of less moment given a near infinite supply of material.
Peter Wieck
Melrose Park, PA
N_Cook <diverse@tcp.co.uk>: May 10 02:52PM +0100

> If you are looking for a stock material for making new ones, K&S has a line of hobby sheet goods all the way down to 40 gauge (0.0055") that would do. Typically their sheets sell in the US$7-10 range. The really thin stuff may be cut with sewing sheers, so there is no roll at the edge. You really don't need the tin as a somewhat shortened service life is of less moment given a near infinite supply of material.
> Peter Wieck
> Melrose Park, PA
I reckon it might be stainless steel, as in the almost foil thickness
you find in FDs and HDs . The original is spot welded to brass
standoffs, which tin would not necessarily require. I suspect st/st
would take arcing better.
Any way to avoid swaging something soderable to st/st fiddley foil, I'm
trying one of the phosphor-bronze and graphite brushes , there is enough
room to solder 3mm offset from the original line, to allow for the brush
thickness. Motor run for a couple of hours without hiccough
etpm@whidbey.com: May 10 09:03AM -0700

>trying one of the phosphor-bronze and graphite brushes , there is enough
>room to solder 3mm offset from the original line, to allow for the brush
>thickness. Motor run for a couple of hours without hiccough
They might also be nickle, like the stuff used for connecting cells
together in battery packs.
avagadro7@gmail.com: May 10 08:49AM -0700

A package from All Electronics arrives with TERMINAL BLOCKS n overlaps
when time permits we're gonna clean up our wiring
yeah !
Q5 is: how to label wires that is of what material n print substance ?
is there a preferred tape and ink ?
we tried 3M 33 and the felts bought at Wal but the ink fell off ...
masking tape is visually borderline gack .....coating the area with linseed..
any ideas ?
avagadro7@gmail.com: May 09 05:26PM -0700

and reason for blades is space n durability.
2 designs types, a field of viable differences
know Crutch ? also usually carries GT battery posts
bitrex <bitrex@de.lete.earthlink.net>: May 09 04:51PM -0400

Consider the following circuit:
< https://www.dropbox.com/s/r69q3v11ddwuxdc/Screenshot_2016-05-09-
So the service manual says the collector of Q15 should latch high
when "start" is pressed, and low when "stop" is pressed.
Similarly, assuming Q15 is already low, it should latch high when
"stop" is pressed and "low" when "start" is pressed.
The problem is that the circuit works fine when it's start then
stop, but when it's stop first, Q15 doesnt latch. I've checked
both 33k resistors to make sure they're in tolerance and they're
fine. Anything else I should look at?
----Android NewsGroup Reader----
legg <legg@nospam.magma.ca>: May 09 06:22PM -0500

On Mon, 9 May 2016 16:51:08 -0400 (EDT), bitrex
> stop, but when it's stop first, Q15 doesnt latch. I've checked
> both 33k resistors to make sure they're in tolerance and they're
> fine. Anything else I should look at?
Can we assume that all arrows indicate connection to a common logic
You'd need to see the rest of the circuit, if something else was
supposed to be capable of pulling the collector of Q15 low, as the
circuit, by itself, is not a latch. Latching requires involvement of
the outputs of the other circuitry, which isn't included in your
The condition of the voltage at Q15's collector cannot affect the
functions of the stop and start switches, in controling the function
of Q15.
( There are two R78s in the drawing... so it can't have been proofread
or checked very carefully.)
Tekkie® <Tekkie@comcast.net>: May 09 02:47PM -0400

Danny DiAmico posted for all of us...
> > broke it? <g> Map the laundromats?
> I think the multiple power surges during the recent rain is what
> fried the MMU board.
You don't have to tell her that. She creates a power surge every time she
uses it. It was fine to she touched it...<G>
> I haven't heard anything from the rebuilders yet, but I'll let
> you know what happens when I know.
That reminds me of something. Actually two...
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