Digest for sci.electronics.repair@googlegroups.com - 25 updates in 4 topics

rickman <gnuarm@gmail.com>: May 14 01:27PM -0400

> of the crime" simply were not there. There is enough to criticize him
> about without making shit up. Every college in this country should be
> sued. Look for a video called "The College Conspiracy".
Uh, didn't Trump settle that issue? I believe there were a number of
lawsuits and the state of New York was pursuing him. "Trump had
publicly vowed not to settle the lawsuits", but he did. I think it is
pretty clear his university was a crock.
If there was no case there was no reason to settle the suit. Legal
costs would be a fraction of the $25 million paid out. Trump would not
have been bothered any more than he was in running the University which
he didn't do. It couldn't have possibly looked any worse for him than
the multitude of crap he has pulled since being in office. But then I
guess he couldn't see that since he thinks everyone is overreacting to
the anti-constitutional acts he has made.
Why is it that when it is discovered that Trump is doing something wrong
the common response is to say "Johny is doing it too!" Let's just talk
about Trump.
> would write a ticket for the unit with the "new" serial number and
> put someone's name on it I knew and tell them what is going on.
> And when the crook shows up tell him "Go ahead and call the law MF"
As someone has already pointed out, that makes YOU the con artist.
Rick C
"Ian Field" <gangprobing.alien1@virginmedia.com>: May 14 06:58PM +0100

<jurb6006@gmail.com> wrote in message
> numbers failed to match. Arsehole. "
> I know I said I almost never call the police, I lock and load, but in this
> case I would have called the law and had him charged with fraud.
No doubt its a criminal offence - but so far I've never heard of anyone
filing charges.
Clifford Heath <clifford.heath@gmail.com>: May 15 08:32AM +1000

> I don't know why you'd guess a wage of $5 per hour, but let me pose this to you: A TV (say) comes in and it has no HDMI functions. The main board cost me $130 dollars from the salvage companies, and $220 new (if available).
> In stock, I have the HDMI port processor IC that's a 72 pin QFN. We see a lot of these fail in the summer because the HDMI is hypersensitive to storm damage.
> I can have said TV on and off the bench in one hour complete.
Good for you. I'd waste more than that chasing faults.
Changing the IC not so much of a problem once you know
what's wrong, but apparently you do.
"Gareth Magennis" <soundserviceleeds@outlook.com>: May 14 11:43PM +0100

"Clifford Heath" wrote in message news:GV4SA.69347$sS7.38832@fx40.iad...
> lot of these fail in the summer because the HDMI is hypersensitive to
> storm damage.
> I can have said TV on and off the bench in one hour complete.
Good for you. I'd waste more than that chasing faults.
Changing the IC not so much of a problem once you know
what's wrong, but apparently you do.
Well that comes with experience.
Every time I have had a soundcard repair where the Firewire doesn't work, it
has been successfully repaired by changing this chip.
They are cheap. Takes maybe half an hour.
"Gareth Magennis" <soundserviceleeds@outlook.com>: May 14 11:47PM +0100

Oops, that appears to be Kylie Minogue on a rocket.
Not sure how that happened.
Here is the chip:
Trevor Wilson <trevor@SPAMBLOCKrageaudio.com.au>: May 15 09:12AM +1000

On 13/05/2017 3:47 AM, Ian Field wrote:
> Taking the back off and look if I signed and dated it is *MUCH* easier
> than searching through a notebook of longer than phone number serial
> numbers.
**Whilst I have tagged my repairs with a job number and date for a very
long time, I keep an old Windows database (originally ported from dbase
III) where I can search for repairs, by date, customer name, serial
number, job number or even part number. It takes less than a second to
search any parameter. Since the software was originally DOS based, it is
extremely compact (even in Windows form). I can run it from a USB stick
as small as 10MB. The whole thing cost me a slab of beer to have written.
Trevor Wilson
Ralph Mowery <rmowery28146@earthlink.net>: May 14 07:29PM -0400

In article <N45SA.44608$M66.42923@fx27.am4>,
soundserviceleeds@outlook.com says...
> They are cheap. Takes maybe half an hour.
> https://cdn.europosters.eu/image/1300/1124.jpg
> Gareth.
The first time one runs into a problem it often takes time to find it.
After 2 or 3 times one does not take time to do any trouble shooting,
just replace that part that is bad 90 or more % of the time.
Many problems are often caused by the smae part or parts. If they are
not too expensive or hard to replace, just try that first.
rickman <gnuarm@gmail.com>: May 15 12:17AM -0400

On 5/14/2017 1:58 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>> this case I would have called the law and had him charged with fraud.
> No doubt its a criminal offence - but so far I've never heard of anyone
> filing charges.
It's only criminal if there was intent. This could easily have been a
mistake as someone else pointed out. I'm not saying it *was* a mistake,
but I think there would need to be some proof of intent to get a charge
As others have said, it would be completely reasonable to fix the
problem and bill the customer. No harm, no foul, you get paid in full.
Rick C
jurb6006@gmail.com: May 14 11:53PM -0700

>"No wonder people hate you kind of people. "
If someone tries to defraud me I am perfectly justified in defrauding them. If you don't like it, just don't try to defraud me.
You aren't in the US I assume. Well that is the way it is, how much hate do you have ?
jurb6006@gmail.com: May 14 11:59PM -0700

>"Or repair it and not hand it over until the repair bill was paid."
Can't do that in Ohio. It used to be, and I never heard of any change, that if you repair the unit they can go to the law and make you pay them double the repair bill and give them the unit repaired for free.
It is a harsh law for servicers but was written to punish unscrupulous car repair shops that either just fixed it or went way over the repair estimate and then took the car. People were losing their car because the bill was twice what was expected and they simply did not have the money. Now they don't have a car either.
We had to have a rubber stamp for the invoices until the ran out and the new ones had the estimate statement on them - pretty much what was on the rubber stamp.
jurb6006@gmail.com: May 15 12:03AM -0700

."You are such a bull artist. "Lock and load" That's a laugh if I ever
heard one. "
Try climbing in my back window in the middle of the night to test your theory.
Buy I will admit it is bullshit because I have a revolver and the term "lock and load" does not apply. And it will be cocked so grabbing the turret so it can't turn won't save you.
jurb6006@gmail.com: May 15 12:05AM -0700

>"The customer likely made a mistake about which amp was recently serviced. "
Maybe where you are, but this is the US.
jurb6006@gmail.com: May 15 12:07AM -0700

>"What's wrong with art history? Do you not like art? "
There are very few jobs in the field. Learn something useful and then study arts in your spare time.
"Kenny" <me@privacy.net>: May 14 10:42PM +0100

Cheap device which is supposed to emit ultrasonic sound when the dog barks
to quieten noisy dog. It doesn't affect the dog at all but how do I know if
it's working or not, there's no indication on it?
I bought it in local shop but this is same one, wish I'd seen the bad
reviews first.
Kenny Cargill
"Gareth Magennis" <soundserviceleeds@outlook.com>: May 14 11:26PM +0100

"Kenny" wrote in message
Cheap device which is supposed to emit ultrasonic sound when the dog barks
to quieten noisy dog. It doesn't affect the dog at all but how do I know if
it's working or not, there's no indication on it?
I bought it in local shop but this is same one, wish I'd seen the bad
reviews first.
Kenny Cargill
Unlikely to work at all unless you hang it on the dog.
The dog will soon tell you if it works or not.
"Gareth Magennis" <soundserviceleeds@outlook.com>: May 14 11:30PM +0100

"Gareth Magennis" wrote in message news:KQ4SA.45794$gP.19417@fx13.am4...
"Kenny" wrote in message
Cheap device which is supposed to emit ultrasonic sound when the dog barks
to quieten noisy dog. It doesn't affect the dog at all but how do I know if
it's working or not, there's no indication on it?
I bought it in local shop but this is same one, wish I'd seen the bad
reviews first.
Kenny Cargill
Unlikely to work at all unless you hang it on the dog.
The dog will soon tell you if it works or not.
Also, the one I have tried emits audible artifacts when triggered, you can
hear it working.
Ralph Mowery <rmowery28146@earthlink.net>: May 14 07:24PM -0400

In article <EfmdnYILj6eyUoXEnZ2dnUU78bPNnZ2d@brightview.com>,
me@privacy.net says...
> reviews first.
> https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bark-Stop-x/dp/B00Y8PCFYW
> Kenny Cargill
You could use a microphone connected to an oscilloscope and probably see
the tone.
Years ago I bought a ultrasonic switch kit from Radio Shack. When I
pointed the hand held unit at my dog about 10 feet away and pressed the
button I could see his ears fly up.
Jon Elson <elson@pico-systems.com>: May 14 10:51PM -0500

Kenny wrote:
> Cheap device which is supposed to emit ultrasonic sound when the dog barks
> to quieten noisy dog. It doesn't affect the dog at all but how do I know
> if it's working or not, there's no indication on it?
If the dog goes "Bark bark" and suddenly drops to the ground and puts his
paws over his ears, you KNOW it is working.
"Bailey S." <floppybot@gmail.com>: May 14 10:11AM -0700

I am not in the electronics repair trade, but have found myself with some electronics that need repair. I had decided to task myself with learning what I need to know, but have reached a bit of an impasse and was wondering if I could get some help.
It sounds silly, but I have a virtual pet from 1997 that turns on and functions fine, but I can't get two of the three buttons to work. I've disassembled and cleaned the contacts with alcohol and a q-tip, and coated the membranes with CaiKote 44. The only result is that the one button that never gave me issue now works like an absolute champ.
I looked up possible causes, and came back with MAYBE capacitor issues. I have both a cylinder and a ceramic capacitor, but neither look to be damaged or leaking. Traces all look fine to me.
I'll include pictures, hopefully someone with a more discerning eye can identify what I need to fix?
It's literally just two buttons that are causing me issue, I'd love to know why.
"pfjw@aol.com" <pfjw@aol.com>: May 14 02:33PM -0700

On Sunday, May 14, 2017 at 1:11:57 PM UTC-4, Bailey S. wrote:
> It's literally just two buttons that are causing me issue, I'd love to know why.
> Thanks,
> Bailey
The best cure for a Virtual Pet is a real one. There are millions in need, and far too few takers.
Yes, they eat, require attention, take up space and all those 'inconvenient things' that living creatures do, but are well worth it.
Peter Wieck
Melrose Park, PA
Rheilly Phoull <rheilly@bigslong.com>: May 15 08:10AM +0800

> Yes, they eat, require attention, take up space and all those 'inconvenient things' that living creatures do, but are well worth it.
> Peter Wieck
> Melrose Park, PA
Plus no dodgy caps either although the occasional electrolyte emission
may occur.
rickman <gnuarm@gmail.com>: May 14 10:35PM -0400

On 5/14/2017 1:11 PM, Bailey S. wrote:
> I'll include pictures, hopefully someone with a more discerning eye can identify what I need to fix?
> https://goo.gl/photos/mQkEGqUv9CQncPq86
> It's literally just two buttons that are causing me issue, I'd love to know why.
The dumb blonde sitting next to me says to check the rubber switch
membrane to see if the carbon is worn off.
Rick C
rickman <gnuarm@gmail.com>: May 14 01:15PM -0400

On 5/14/2017 2:08 AM, Clifford Heath wrote:
> cool and you don't get all the nice flavours. Popular taste is
> around some middle point, with outliers on both sides, of course.
> But it's a balance that must be struck.
You are being silly. We are talking about personal tastes and you talk
about how a coffee shop has to hit a "sweet spot" to please the most
> reason it's not much more common is because it's not quick enough.
> Did that make it easier for you to follow? Do your own reading on
> the subject, you'll find that a lot of informed opinion agrees.
You are still missing the point that what are good and bad tastes are
We seem to be getting nowhere in this. So I guess I'm done.
Rick C
etpm@whidbey.com: May 14 11:13AM -0700

On Sun, 14 May 2017 16:08:04 +1000, Clifford Heath
>grinding my own beans right before every brew. I'm about to find
>some coffee plants to grow my own - they fruit well in Sydney. Pity
>that most of Sydney doesn't know how to make a good coffee!
Where I live is a few miles from a small roaster. One of the owners is
a client of my wife. So she gets coffee from them. And boy is it good.
My wife makes excellent coffee. I'm the cook in the house but she is
the coffee master. Now I want to try this cold brewed coffee after
reading all about it. I guess I'm spoiled by the good coffee because I
won't even try to drink a mediocre brew. I'll wait or go without. I'm
not as particular about the beer I drink. Or the gin, as long as it's
at least a certain level of quality. I think the only thing I drink
that I'm as picky about is cognac. But The stuff I like is spendy
enough that I don't drink much.
"Percival P. Cassidy" <Nobody@NotMyISP.net>: May 14 05:44PM -0400

On 05/14/2017 02:08 AM, Clifford Heath wrote:
> grinding my own beans right before every brew. I'm about to find
> some coffee plants to grow my own - they fruit well in Sydney. Pity
> that most of Sydney doesn't know how to make a good coffee!
I couldn't get a decent cup of coffee in Melbourne two years ago. No
cream or even "half and half" -- only black or milk.
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