- Does anyone have a schematic for Florida - 4 Updates
- Schematic, anyone ? - 1 Update
- Decimal Time - 2 Updates
- How do they paint the stripes on resistors, bumble bee caps, etc? - 3 Updates
- Soda Maker: How long does it take carbon dioxide to diffuse into 4C cold water at 30psi? - 2 Updates
- LG Refrigerator error OF and F on display - 1 Update
oldschool@tubes.com: Sep 10 05:26PM -0400 Does anyone have a schematic for Florida. At last notice, 2.8 million people in Florida are without power. It's obviously caused by a bad capacitor. Probably one of them foil/paper wax coated caps from the 50s. Please upload your schematics for the wiring grid in Florida, and mail all your unneeded capacitors to the office of the governor of Florida. (New and Tested caps only, please). <LOL> |
Tom Biasi <tombiasi@optonline.net>: Sep 10 08:18PM -0400 > Please upload your schematics for the wiring grid in Florida, and mail > all your unneeded capacitors to the office of the governor of Florida. > (New and Tested caps only, please). <LOL> Do you really think this is appropriate? |
Trevor Wilson <trevor@SPAMBLOCKrageaudio.com.au>: Sep 11 02:39PM +1000 > Please upload your schematics for the wiring grid in Florida, and mail > all your unneeded capacitors to the office of the governor of Florida. > (New and Tested caps only, please). <LOL> **Yeah, real hysterical. Got any jokes about those poor buggers suffering in Syria? How about the Bangladesh floods? Mexican earthquakes? Ignorant cunt. I take no joy in hearing about the suffering of other human beings. Well, except for Donald Trump. Nothing is too horrible for that fuckwit. -- Trevor Wilson www.rageaudio.com.au |
"pfjw@aol.com" <pfjw@aol.com>: Sep 11 04:24AM -0700 This must be a troll spoofing OldSchool. Nobody is that dense. Peter Wieck Melrose Park, PA |
Trevor Wilson <trevor@SPAMBLOCKrageaudio.com.au>: Sep 08 11:04AM +1000 On 7/09/2017 9:43 PM, Arfa Daily wrote: >> Then I think on some of the stuff I've worked on recently and I begin >> to realise why. > Hi Trevor. Trust you are well ? **Apart from the usual aches and pains, all good thanks. I trust you are likewise (sans the aches and pains of course). > don't think I would hold my breath that anyone there would be prepared > to spend the time digging through archives to try to find what I need. > still, you never know ... **Well worth trying Hitachi. A few years back I acquired a couple of 100MHz analogue 'scopes. A Hameg and an Iwatsu. Both were decent enough 'scopes and the Hameg manual was available easily enough, but the Iwatsu presented a problem. I contacted the manufacturer and a full service manual appeared in my inbox within days. No charge. I was surprised and delighted. FWIW: My second CRO was an Hitachi. It was almost an exact copy of a Tektronix, ca. 1963-ish. All valves. Lots of them. Even had a bunch of valves in the delay line. Damned thing consumed 500 Watts. Not a smart purchase for Australia and for a young guy whose workshop measured around 8 Square Metres. I understand though. -- Trevor Wilson www.rageaudio.com.au |
"~misfit~" <shaun.at.pukekohe@gmail.com>: Sep 07 11:47PM +1200 Once upon a time on usenet Jeff Liebermann wrote: > Being able to handle such an ugly calenadar might explain why Jews are > quite good at finance. Can you imagine what a loan amortization > schedule looks like under such a calendar? No, jews are good at finance because the catholic church banned christians from usury - lending money and charging interest. As money became more and more important it became necessary for there to be financiers but christians weren't going to risk lending their money free of charge. So jews were invited into most catholic / christian countries to be the financiers as they had no such rule in *their* holy book. Without jews stepping in to finance large projects we'd still be in the dark ages. Yet how do we thank them? By making thinly-veiled anti-semetic jokes in electronics repair groups (and probably other places as well). -- Shaun. "Humans will have advanced a long, long way when religious belief has a cozy little classification in the DSM*." David Melville (in r.a.s.f1) (*Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) |
"~misfit~" <shaun.at.pukekohe@gmail.com>: Sep 07 11:26PM +1200 Once upon a time on usenet Tom Biasi wrote: > and public education. The public education component led to public > awareness of the metric system, but the public response included > resistance, apathy, and sometimes ridicule." "Voluntary conversion" is doomed to failure due to inertia so it's a failure of the legislators not the public. It should have been made compulsory as it was in most other countries which changed over. -- Shaun. "Humans will have advanced a long, long way when religious belief has a cozy little classification in the DSM*." David Melville (in r.a.s.f1) (*Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) |
etpm@whidbey.com: Sep 10 01:19PM -0700 On Sat, 9 Sep 2017 12:45:58 +0800, Rheilly Phoull >> Has anyone ever heard anything about this process? >They get the christmas elves in the off season to paint them on with >their toy decorating brushes. That's not true. There are no such things as elves. Only faries. ERS |
Tom Biasi <tombiasi@optonline.net>: Sep 10 08:19PM -0400 >> their toy decorating brushes. > That's not true. There are no such things as elves. Only faries. > ERS Then who the hell makes the cookies? |
oldschool@tubes.com: Sep 10 09:30PM -0400 On Sun, 10 Sep 2017 20:19:43 -0400, Tom Biasi <tombiasi@optonline.net> wrote: >> That's not true. There are no such things as elves. Only faries. >> ERS >Then who the hell makes the cookies? Trolls make the cookies, but only the "Troll House" brand. :) |
Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com>: Sep 10 01:14PM -0700 On Fri, 8 Sep 2017 00:11:09 -0000 (UTC), "Danny D." >I just don't know what I'm doing and why. Then do some remedial reading on the topic. <http://www.truetex.com/carbonation.htm> There should be sufficient theory and numbers in the article to provide whatever it is you're asking. Ummmm... what problem are you trying to solve? I probably don't have an answer, but I'm curious. >Do you? Nope. You'll get no advice from me unless you're a masochist and into Learn By Destroying(tm). I built my own carbonation contraption from junk in about 1973. I did just about everything wrong, hit all the pitfalls, and didn't listen to anyones advice. My best fizz water had a carbonic acid taste <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbonic_acid> and lacerated my tongue because I used too much pressure. I also tried to use room temperature water, into which CO2 refuses to diffuse, or if I'm lucky, takes a few days with agitation. I was fortunate and didn't produce a simulated CO2 powered water rocket, but did manage to build credible CO2/water sprayer which might make a usable fire extinguisher. In 1973 the 2L bottle was just becoming available in the stores. I had just returned from Israel, where the only economical way to buy Coca Cola was in 2L bottles. They were everywhere. When I returned to the USA, I temporarily switched from Coca Cola to Pepsi which was the only drink at the time available in 2L bottles. Eventually, I accumulated a supply of 2L bottles (which barely fit in the tiny refrigerators of the day). One of my few successes was to copy the common seltzer bottle and install a siphon tube in the 2 liter PET bottle. The siphon tube allowed me to bubble agitate the liquid from the bottom of the bottle, thus dramatically increasing the surface area of the water, and therefore also increasing the CO2 diffusion rate. Filling the bottle horizontally, with a bent siphon tube, was even better. However, I made a fundamental mistake. I had not purged the air from the top of the 2L bottle before pressurizing, resulting in a fizzy mix of compressed air and CO2 in carbonic acid. It's easy to tell if you've made this mistake because the resulting fizz water tastes and smells horrible. I also attached a gas flow meter and aquarium bubble counter to check the CO2 flow. The flow meter range was too high and barely moved the ball. The bubble counter range was too low causing the initial blast of CO2 to empty the glass vial. Can't win. Ok, enough anecdotes. Follow the instructions in the above URL or at least double check your existing setup to see what you've missed. Good luck. -- Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com 150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558 |
"pfjw@aol.com" <pfjw@aol.com>: Sep 10 01:58PM -0700 Next time, please do not feed the troll. |
Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com>: Sep 10 11:34AM -0700 On Sun, 10 Sep 2017 08:04:57 -0700 (PDT), "fynnashba@yahoo.com" >On Sunday, September 10, 2017 at 2:35:49 AM UTC, fynn...@yahoo.com wrote: >> l am working on these LG GSJ960PZBZ refrigerator (5 of them withe same problem)which is showing the error code OF and F. The temperature cannot be set. The compressor does not come on. The small red LED on the control board does not come on at all. Please l need help. Thanks >Thanks please l have done what the site(https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fremoveandreplace.) recommended but still the refrigerator will not work. What site? The site you provided above is useless gibberish. I think you mean this site: https://removeandreplace.com/2016/02/10/lg-refrigerator-in-demo-display-mode-panel-displays-off-how-to-reset/ Perhaps one of these other instructions for doing the reset will work better: <http://www.lg.com/us/support/product-help/CT10000021-1337637756594-ff> <http://www.manualsonline.com/support/lg/refrigerator/demo-mode-866733> <https://www.shopyourway.com/questions/1094845> etc... or even a video: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOdaPiTVG3U> Keep trying. It should work eventually. If it continues to not reset, have someone else follow the instructions WITHOUT YOUR HELP and see if that works any better. Assumptions, bad timing, fumbling with the buttons, or not hitting and releasing both bottons at exactly the same time, might have an effect. Also, make sure the refrigerator is plugged in and turned on while doing the reset. Don't laugh, but I had to help an "installer" do the reset once, only to find out that he failed to turn the refrigerator on because the printed instructions didn't tell him to do so. Good luck. -- Jeff Liebermann jeffl@cruzio.com 150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558 |
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