Digest for sci.electronics.repair@googlegroups.com - 6 updates in 2 topics

JC <Chipbee40_SpamNo@yahoo.com>: Jul 08 07:44PM -0400

Fixing A Matsusada RK20-20 power supply.
2x devices blown on the primary switcher circuit
only id is code 00.15.0600 TO3PN3 case
I'm thinking these are IGBT's rather than Mosfets but guesswork as they
are wrecked.
Any ideas? Code might indicate 15Amp 600Volt? :) feeling lucky?
Small driver board is encapsulated in RTV silicon goop, hopefully not
damaged but haven't got that far.
Pimpom <nobody@nowhere.com>: Jul 09 10:30AM +0530

On 7/9/2020 5:14 AM, JC wrote:
> Small driver board is encapsulated in RTV silicon goop, hopefully not
> damaged but haven't got that far.
It could be my imagination but there seems to be some characters
printed on the more lightly coloured rectangle. If you have a
powerful lens with you, see if there's anything to read by
varying the angles of viewing and lighting. Perpendicular is not
always the best.
I use a lens salvaged from a 16mm film projector and have often
succeeded in identifying devices that at first don't seem to have
anything on them. That includes markings that had been rubbed
off, faded with age or burnt away from overheating.
JC <Chipbee40_SpamNo@yahoo.com>: Jul 09 09:43AM -0400

Pimpom wrote:
> succeeded in identifying devices that at first don't seem to have
> anything on them. That includes markings that had been rubbed off, faded
> with age or burnt away from overheating.
Yes, I also thought that but I think its just overheating. I can't bring
up any image from them. These are the only parts in this unit with
obscure ID's so could be selected parts, sux.
JC <Chipbee40_SpamNo@yahoo.com>: Jul 09 11:03AM -0400

JC wrote:
> up any image from them. These are the only parts in this unit with
> obscure ID's so could be selected parts, sux.
> JC
Drive IC is a FUJI 5502M , Probably FUJI MOSFETS, wired in parallel.
John-Del <ohger1s@gmail.com>: Jul 08 11:14AM -0700

> It is entirely legal to *receive* any transmission from any source in the United States, as the "people" own the airwaves.
> It is NOT entirely legal to transmit on certain frequencies - where this gets awkward is with super-het sets receiving some signals - as super-het sets also 'transmit' in the process. Look it up.
> During WWII, the US military through proxies, routinely crippled SW sets owned by foreigners in the US.
My grandparents were legal U.S. immigrants from Italy, and they had to bring their radio to a local radio shop to have the SW defeated during the war - *while* my dad (their son) was fighting in the Third Armored Division and collecting 5 battles stars in the effort. My understanding was that both my grandparents had achieved their citizenship by the time the war started. Weird time, but at least there was no relocation for them.
Allodoxaphobia <trepidation@example.net>: Jul 08 06:43PM

On Wed, 8 Jul 2020 07:04:20 -0700 (PDT), Jeff Urban wrote:
> Man I like that old shit. Friend of mine is even worse.
heh... I'm pretty old shit, myself. :-)
I have and still use from time-to-time an old
James Millen Grid Dip Meter model 90651 -- that uses the old "acorn" tubes.
Tho', I most often use an old Heathkit Tunnel Dipper.
I have an old BC-221 frequency generator that I still put to use.
Marvin L Jones | W3DHJ | W3DHJ | https://W3DHJ.net/
Pueblo, Colorado | @ | Jonesy | __ linux FreeBSD
38.238N 104.547W | jonz.net | DM78rf | 73 SK
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