- Callins capacitor? - 2 Updates
- coax connector ident - 2 Updates
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- Booting a Mac mini A1283. - 1 Update
bruce bowser <bruce2bowser@gmail.com>: Dec 15 09:52AM -0800 On Friday, December 11, 2020 at 11:46:51 PM UTC-5, Steve Wilson wrote: > and might even be used in high power aplications where the original > collins would fail. > The Amazon is brand new, where the collins has probably dried out by now. Then there are other liquor glasses out there, like the shot glass, the champagne glass, martini glass, rocks, coupe, whiskey sour, highball, copper mug, brandy glasses, cordials, the Irish coffee cup, champagne glasses. You can order all online, now. |
Tauno Voipio <tauno.voipio@notused.fi.invalid>: Dec 16 03:39PM +0200 On 12.12.20 22.14, Don wrote: > by the decoupling networks R33/C6 in the positive supply line and > R35/C8 in the negative supply. > Danke, Hello Don, I made a LTspice model of the thing: Version 4 SHEET 1 3144 724 WIRE 848 -320 -864 -320 WIRE 1008 -320 848 -320 WIRE 1472 -320 1008 -320 WIRE 1728 -320 1472 -320 WIRE 1888 -320 1728 -320 WIRE 2064 -320 1888 -320 WIRE 2496 -320 2064 -320 WIRE 2624 -320 2496 -320 WIRE 2912 -320 2624 -320 WIRE 848 -288 848 -320 WIRE 1472 -272 1472 -320 WIRE 1728 -272 1728 -320 WIRE 1888 -240 1888 -320 WIRE 2912 -224 2912 -320 WIRE -272 -144 -352 -144 WIRE -48 -144 -192 -144 WIRE 16 -144 -48 -144 WIRE 192 -144 96 -144 WIRE 304 -144 192 -144 WIRE 432 -144 304 -144 WIRE 592 -144 432 -144 WIRE 1008 -144 1008 -320 WIRE 1472 -144 1472 -192 WIRE 1520 -144 1472 -144 WIRE 1600 -144 1584 -144 WIRE 1632 -144 1600 -144 WIRE 1728 -144 1728 -192 WIRE 1728 -144 1696 -144 WIRE 2064 -144 2064 -320 WIRE 2496 -144 2496 -320 WIRE 2624 -144 2624 -320 WIRE 304 -96 304 -144 WIRE 848 -96 848 -208 WIRE 944 -96 848 -96 WIRE 1600 -96 1600 -144 WIRE 2000 -96 1600 -96 WIRE 2912 -96 2912 -144 WIRE 3024 -96 2912 -96 WIRE 192 -64 192 -144 WIRE 1472 -64 1472 -144 WIRE 1728 -64 1728 -144 WIRE 2912 -64 2912 -96 WIRE -48 -32 -48 -144 WIRE 1008 -16 1008 -48 WIRE 1184 -16 1008 -16 WIRE 1344 -16 1264 -16 WIRE 1408 -16 1344 -16 WIRE 1888 -16 1888 -160 WIRE 1888 -16 1792 -16 WIRE -544 0 -672 0 WIRE -352 0 -352 -144 WIRE -352 0 -464 0 WIRE -272 0 -352 0 WIRE 2064 0 2064 -48 WIRE 2160 0 2064 0 WIRE -112 16 -208 16 WIRE 1008 16 1008 -16 WIRE 2624 16 2624 -64 WIRE 2672 16 2624 16 WIRE 2768 16 2752 16 WIRE -272 32 -320 32 WIRE 432 32 432 -144 WIRE 848 32 848 -96 WIRE -864 64 -864 -320 WIRE -672 64 -672 0 WIRE 1344 64 1344 -16 WIRE 1472 64 1472 32 WIRE 1728 64 1728 32 WIRE 1888 64 1888 -16 WIRE 2064 64 2064 0 WIRE -320 80 -320 32 WIRE -48 80 -48 64 WIRE 368 80 -48 80 WIRE 592 80 592 -144 WIRE 2624 80 2624 16 WIRE 2912 80 2912 16 WIRE 192 112 192 16 WIRE 528 128 432 128 WIRE 1008 128 1008 96 WIRE 1104 128 1008 128 WIRE 2496 128 2496 -64 WIRE 2560 128 2496 128 WIRE 2768 128 2768 16 WIRE 2848 128 2768 128 WIRE 1008 160 1008 128 WIRE -48 176 -48 80 WIRE 128 176 -48 176 WIRE 1472 176 1472 144 WIRE 1600 176 1472 176 WIRE 1728 176 1728 144 WIRE 1728 176 1600 176 WIRE -864 192 -864 144 WIRE -672 192 -672 144 WIRE -672 192 -864 192 WIRE -480 192 -672 192 WIRE 848 192 848 96 WIRE 2496 192 2496 128 WIRE 1344 208 1344 144 WIRE 1600 208 1600 176 WIRE 1888 208 1888 144 WIRE 2064 208 2064 144 WIRE 2624 208 2624 176 WIRE 2912 208 2912 176 WIRE 2912 208 2624 208 WIRE -480 224 -480 192 WIRE -864 240 -864 192 WIRE -672 240 -672 192 WIRE 592 240 592 176 WIRE 784 240 592 240 WIRE 2768 240 2768 128 WIRE 2912 240 2912 208 WIRE -48 256 -48 176 WIRE 1008 256 1008 240 WIRE 1248 256 1008 256 WIRE 1008 272 1008 256 WIRE 592 288 592 240 WIRE 1248 352 1248 256 WIRE 2496 352 2496 272 WIRE 2496 352 1248 352 WIRE 1008 400 1008 352 WIRE 2768 400 2768 320 WIRE 2912 400 2912 320 WIRE -672 432 -672 320 WIRE -48 432 -48 320 WIRE -48 432 -672 432 WIRE 192 432 192 224 WIRE 192 432 -48 432 WIRE 848 432 848 288 WIRE 848 432 192 432 WIRE 1600 432 1600 288 WIRE 1600 432 848 432 WIRE -864 496 -864 320 WIRE 592 496 592 368 WIRE 592 496 -864 496 FLAG -320 80 0 FLAG 304 -96 0 FLAG -480 224 0 FLAG 1008 400 0 FLAG 1104 128 ramp IOPIN 1104 128 Out FLAG 2768 400 0 FLAG 2912 400 0 FLAG 3024 -96 pulse IOPIN 3024 -96 Out FLAG 1344 208 0 FLAG 1888 208 0 FLAG 2064 208 0 FLAG 2160 0 triangle IOPIN 2160 0 Out SYMBOL Opamps\\opamp -240 -48 R0 SYMATTR InstName U1 SYMBOL pnp -112 64 M180 SYMATTR InstName Q1 SYMATTR Value 2N3906 SYMBOL res -176 -160 R90 WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2 WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2 SYMATTR InstName R2 SYMATTR Value 10k SYMBOL res -448 -16 R90 WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2 WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2 SYMATTR InstName R3 SYMATTR Value 150k SYMBOL cap -64 256 R0 SYMATTR InstName C1 SYMATTR Value 0.1µ SYMBOL 2N2646 144 112 R0 SYMATTR InstName U2 SYMBOL npn 368 32 R0 SYMATTR InstName Q2 SYMATTR Value 2N3904 SYMBOL npn 528 80 R0 SYMATTR InstName Q3 SYMATTR Value 2N3904 SYMBOL pnp 784 288 M180 SYMATTR InstName Q4 SYMATTR Value 2N3906 SYMBOL res 576 272 R0 SYMATTR InstName R4 SYMATTR Value 6.8k SYMBOL res 832 -304 R0 SYMATTR InstName R5 SYMATTR Value 10k SYMBOL zener 864 96 R180 WINDOW 0 24 64 Left 2 WINDOW 3 24 0 Left 2 SYMATTR InstName D1 SYMATTR Value BZX84C6V2L SYMBOL voltage -672 48 R0 WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0 WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0 SYMATTR InstName V1 SYMATTR Value 10 SYMBOL voltage -864 48 R0 SYMATTR InstName V2 SYMATTR Value 9 SYMBOL voltage -672 224 R0 SYMATTR InstName V3 SYMATTR Value 6.2 SYMBOL voltage -864 224 R0 SYMATTR InstName V4 SYMATTR Value 9 SYMBOL res 112 -160 R90 WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2 WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2 SYMATTR InstName R1 SYMATTR Value 4.5k SYMBOL res 176 -80 R0 SYMATTR InstName R6 SYMATTR Value 1k SYMBOL npn 944 -144 R0 SYMATTR InstName Q5 SYMATTR Value 2N3904 SYMBOL res 992 0 R0 SYMATTR InstName R7 SYMATTR Value 1k SYMBOL res 992 144 R0 SYMATTR InstName R8 SYMATTR Value 500 SYMBOL res 992 256 R0 SYMATTR InstName R9 SYMATTR Value 1.68k SYMBOL res 2480 176 R0 SYMATTR InstName R10 SYMATTR Value 4.7k SYMBOL res 2480 -160 R0 SYMATTR InstName R11 SYMATTR Value 470k SYMBOL npn 2560 80 R0 SYMATTR InstName Q6 SYMATTR Value 2N3904 SYMBOL npn 2848 80 R0 SYMATTR InstName Q7 SYMATTR Value 2N3904 SYMBOL res 2608 -160 R0 SYMATTR InstName R12 SYMATTR Value 10k SYMBOL res 2896 -80 R0 SYMATTR InstName R13 SYMATTR Value 8.2k SYMBOL res 2896 -240 R0 SYMATTR InstName R14 SYMATTR Value 1k SYMBOL res 2752 224 R0 SYMATTR InstName R15 SYMATTR Value 47k SYMBOL res 2896 224 R0 SYMATTR InstName R16 SYMATTR Value 100 SYMBOL res 2768 0 R90 WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2 WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2 SYMATTR InstName R17 SYMATTR Value 100k SYMBOL res 1280 -32 R90 WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2 WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2 SYMATTR InstName R18 SYMATTR Value 6.8k SYMBOL npn 1408 -64 R0 SYMATTR InstName Q8 SYMATTR Value 2N3904 SYMBOL npn 1792 -64 M0 SYMATTR InstName Q9 SYMATTR Value 2N3904 SYMBOL res 1456 48 R0 SYMATTR InstName R19 SYMATTR Value 150 SYMBOL res 1712 48 R0 SYMATTR InstName R20 SYMATTR Value 30 SYMBOL res 1584 192 R0 SYMATTR InstName R21 SYMATTR Value 5.6k SYMBOL res 1328 48 R0 SYMATTR InstName R22 SYMATTR Value 330 SYMBOL res 1872 48 R0 SYMATTR InstName R23 SYMATTR Value 680 SYMBOL res 1872 -256 R0 SYMATTR InstName R24 SYMATTR Value 3.9Meg SYMBOL res 1712 -288 R0 SYMATTR InstName R25 SYMATTR Value 6.8k SYMBOL res 1456 -288 R0 SYMATTR InstName R26 SYMATTR Value 6.8k SYMBOL diode 1696 -160 R90 WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 2 WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 2 SYMATTR InstName D2 SYMATTR Value 1N4148 SYMBOL diode 1520 -128 R270 WINDOW 0 32 32 VTop 2 WINDOW 3 0 32 VBottom 2 SYMATTR InstName D3 SYMATTR Value 1N4148 SYMBOL res 2048 48 R0 SYMATTR InstName R27 SYMATTR Value 4.7k SYMBOL npn 2000 -144 R0 SYMATTR InstName Q10 SYMATTR Value 2N3904 TEXT -288 112 Left 2 !.lib opamp.sub TEXT -360 288 Left 2 !.tran 30m TEXT 1816 408 Left 2 ;2720-2A model, some components guessed. There was no mode for an UJT, so I made an 2N2646. 2N2646.asy: Version 4 SymbolType BLOCK LINE Normal 1 76 16 80 LINE Normal 1 85 1 76 LINE Normal 16 80 1 85 LINE Normal 48 88 48 112 LINE Normal 16 88 48 88 LINE Normal 16 96 16 16 LINE Normal 48 24 48 0 LINE Normal 16 24 48 24 LINE Normal 1 80 -16 64 WINDOW 0 93 35 Bottom 2 WINDOW 3 110 85 Top 2 SYMATTR Value 2N2646 SYMATTR Prefix X SYMATTR ModelFile 2N2646.SUB PIN -16 64 BOTTOM 8 PINATTR SpiceOrder 1 PIN 48 112 RIGHT 8 PINATTR SpiceOrder 2 PIN 48 0 RIGHT 8 PINATTR SpiceOrder 3 Model from the Net, probably by the late Jim Thompson: .SUBCKT 2N2646 1 2 3 DE 1 4 EMITTER VE 4 5 DC 0 HVE 6 0 VE 1K RVE 0 6 1MEG BBB 5 7 I=0.00028*V(5,7)+0.00575*V(5,7)*V(6) CBB 5 7 35P *RB1 7 2 38.15 RMOD *RB2 3 5 2.518K RMOD *.MODEL RMOD R TC1=.01 RB1 7 2 38.15 RB2 3 5 2.518K .MODEL RMOD R TC1=.01 .MODEL EMITTER D (IS=21.3P N=1.8) .ENDS 2N2646 --- There are many components without types or values, so I had to guess them. There are plenty of issues, beginning with the slot in the triangle at the positive tip, die to the retrun time of the ramp signal. The output capcitors are left out of the simulation, I do not have a mode for a reversed electrolytic. -- -TV |
legg <legg@nospam.magma.ca>: Dec 15 05:01PM -0500 Has anyone got a name for these coaxial connectors? http://ve3ute.ca/query/connectors.jpg Background grid is 0.10in /2.54mm. They're not MCX, MMCX or CRC9. Were used quite extensively internal to RCA and other video broadband RX/TX assemblies in the 60s and 70s. External connections of the boxes was generally SMA. I've used them in modular interconnect, inside chassis, but am begining to run out. RL |
legg <legg@nospam.magma.ca>: Dec 16 08:25AM -0500 >Those may be SMB if they are 'slip on' or SMC if they have a retaining nut up front. >Microdot did have a slip on version and a threaded version too. >I think they were 10-32 threads or somethin like that. SMB has a 4.45mm barrel on the male part, thought the actual insulation, tight on the internal female pin is ~2mm. SMC has a 3.64mm barrel on the male part, filled with insulator for the loose male pin. It has threads to retain the female outer shell. These are 2.5mm barrel on the male part, filled with insulator for a loose male pin. The female barrel is 3.18mm OD, with an uninsulated female pin. No retainng thread. RL |
Michael Terrell <terrell.michael.a@gmail.com>: Dec 15 11:30PM -0800 On Saturday, December 5, 2020 at 3:24:42 PM UTC-5, Ralph Mowery wrote: > low capacitance/high impedance . Most common coax for radios and TVs > are usually either close to 50 or 70 ohms and have about 2 to 3 times > the capacitance per foot as the car coax. GM/Delco used RG62, which is 93 Ohms. I asked an EE from Delco about this about 45 years ago. A lot of aftermarket car radio antennas in thee '70s used rg58, which lowered the sensitivity of the radio. Some had a series capacitor at the car radio end, to lower the capacitance across the input, but that became a voltage divider. |
bob prohaska <bp@www.zefox.net>: Dec 15 08:58PM > OK. With the tab at the bottom of the well shorted to the perimeter > shield it still won't boot. Resetting the NVRAM doesn't help. I'll try > re-seating the CPU. At present I have no further ideas. Wouldn't hurt to re-seat the RAM module. My A1103 quit booting with what looked like a disk failure. After much unsucessful experimentation I noticed the DIMM was ever-so-slightly crooked. Re-seated the RAM module and the machine booted flawlessly, and still does. I'll admit I don't remember if the case was on or off, but very likely off. I know, correlation isn't causation, but if you're in there already.... hth, bob prohaska |
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