- 6 new messages in 3 topics - digest

Today's topics:

* Music Man Sixty Five - 1 messages, 1 author
* Fender Showman from 1963 - 4 messages, 2 authors
* SOUTH ACTRESS HOT PHOTOS&VIDEOS - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Music Man Sixty Five

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Sep 23 2010 5:19 pm
From: "Arfa Daily"

"Meat Plow" <> wrote in message
> On Thu, 23 Sep 2010 01:53:57 +0100, Arfa Daily wrote:
>> "Meat Plow" <> wrote in message
>>> On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 18:13:49 +0100, Arfa Daily wrote:
>>>> Just had one of these lovely old amps across the bench, and was
>>>> extremely surprised to see a plate voltage of 730 on the two 6CA7 /
>>>> EL34 output pentodes.
>>> That's what they run em at. What did you need to know about them, I
>>> used to own a 112 combo 65/35 watter. Probably very similar.
>> Nothing particularly. Their website has all the schematics for free
>> download, and I fixed all the problems on this one. I was just
>> interested to see if anyone had any stories about them - or the
>> manufacturer in general - as it's not a brand commonly seen here.
>> Arfa
> I didn't care for the sound of my 112 combo. It was tolerable with some
> external FX. Played a sand colored 130 watt head didn't care for it.
> Company was founded incognito by Leo Fender who at the time had a 10 year
> non-compete clause with CBS. The early amps were better, newer being
> hybrid with tube output. Pedal Steel guitar players did like them
> however. And they made a decent keyboard amp.
Interesting. This one was a hybrid using some early can-type opamps in the
front end. The schematics showed three different output configurations, two
of which employed FETs in the driver/phase splitter. The version that I was
repairing had a conventional 12AX7 phase splitter. I don't play guitar
myself, but keep an instrument in the workshop for test purposes. I have to
say that the sound from this amp was 'harsh'. Not distorted or anything,
just not the 'smooth' sound that you normally associate with a tube output
stage. not 'melodic' sounding is about the best way I can put it. I guess
that's why they might be considered good keyboard amps. I've always thought
that the 'hard' sound of transistor power amps, suits keyboards well.


TOPIC: Fender Showman from 1963

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Sep 23 2010 5:27 pm
From: "Arfa Daily"

>> Arfa
> Teleton SAQ-307! yes I had one o them. Marvelous amplifier, didn't it have
> some unusual feature for it's day, slider control or something?
> I had mine in my shop driving a stack consiting of a 15" Gauss in a home
> made Altec Voice of the Theatre copy, a 12" Gauss VotT copy and a whopping
> great Vitavox multicell horn (courtesy of the recently closed local
> ODEON). No electronic crossovers in those days!
> Even tho it was only a few watts, it could visibly make the shop window
> shake in time to the music (Dark Side of the Moon - Most impressive)
> Ron(UK)

The treble and bass controls are sliders, Ron. I was always told that this
amp was designed in Germany, and built in Japan. You can't get above about
number 4 on the volume knob before it's blowing the glass out of the
windows. As you say, a marvelous amp for its day, and based on the crap I
see now on a daily basis, still up there in terms of performance. There were
actually several versions of it, as I recall. The name Solatron or Solarton
maybe, comes to mind as another version ??


== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Sep 23 2010 5:40 pm
From: "Arfa Daily"

"Archon" <> wrote in message
> On 9/22/2010 9:18 PM, Arfa Daily wrote:
>> "Jeff Layman" <jmlayman@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
>> news:i7dh7q$uq6$
>>> On 22/09/2010 17:39, N_Cook wrote:
>>>> Closer look and the cotton covering to the wiring between the output
>>>> heaters
>>>> is "perished", crumbling to dust, and needs replacing. Strange having
>>>> a load
>>>> of Mullard, Brimar and Z&I Aero valves to test
>>> Z&I Aero!!! I haven't heard that name for over 40 years. That was when
>>> their shop in Tottenham Court Road was worth visiting, followed by a
>>> stroll to Proops, and then onto Lisle Street. Are there any surplus
>>> places worth visiting today?
>>> --
>>> Jeff
>> I still have a Z&I Aero (Zaerix) glossy covered catalogue / data book in
>> near pristine condition. It has data on lovely old things like VCR97
>> 'scope tubes, and has all the prices in pounds, shillings and pence ! Oh
>> those lovely old days of skiving off school for the day and jumping on
>> the train to London to go to Tottenham Court Road and Lisle Street. Into
>> Henry's Radio ... I bought my first 'hifi' amplifier in Proops.
>> snip
>> Arfa
> I'm surprised you didn't build the "Texan amplifier" sold by Henry's,
> I must have built 10 of those for me and my mates, then spent many happy
> hours replacing the unprotected output transistors! They did sound good
> cranked up (with a good heatsink)!
> JC

Oh, I did. I built probably three all told, and then a Mark 2 for a friend.
He's still got it I think. I'll ask next time I see him. That was a
Practically Witless project, designed by a couple of lads from Texas
Instruments just up the road from me in Bedford. I went to college with a
lad from the same department, but not directly involved in the design.

I used to build lots of projects from that mag. Like 'The Clubman'
transistorised HF receiver. Jackson Bros tuning gang with 6:1 epicyclic ball
reduction drive. Repanco and Denco coils. Remember those ? Different colour
plastic former for each function, and they plugged into B9A valve holders. I
also built an audio amp that used those output transistors that looked like
TO3s that had shrunk in the wash. Can't remember the type numbers of them
now. I still have that amp under the bench in the workshop, and it still
worked last time I put it on. I also built the famous PW frequency counter
that used those seven segment filament displays, and a cartload of 74 series
TTL. Don't build too much any more, except bits of special purpose test
equipment to make my life easier.


== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 24 2010 12:26 am
From: "N_Cook"

Archon <> wrote in message
> On 9/22/2010 9:18 PM, Arfa Daily wrote:
> >
> >
> > "Jeff Layman" <jmlayman@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
> > news:i7dh7q$uq6$
> >> On 22/09/2010 17:39, N_Cook wrote:
> >>
> >>> Closer look and the cotton covering to the wiring between the output
> >>> heaters
> >>> is "perished", crumbling to dust, and needs replacing. Strange having
> >>> a load
> >>> of Mullard, Brimar and Z&I Aero valves to test
> >>
> >> Z&I Aero!!! I haven't heard that name for over 40 years. That was when
> >> their shop in Tottenham Court Road was worth visiting, followed by a
> >> stroll to Proops, and then onto Lisle Street. Are there any surplus
> >> places worth visiting today?
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >> Jeff
> >
> > I still have a Z&I Aero (Zaerix) glossy covered catalogue / data book in
> > near pristine condition. It has data on lovely old things like VCR97
> > 'scope tubes, and has all the prices in pounds, shillings and pence ! Oh
> > those lovely old days of skiving off school for the day and jumping on
> > the train to London to go to Tottenham Court Road and Lisle Street. Into
> > Henry's Radio ... I bought my first 'hifi' amplifier in Proops.
> > snip
> > Arfa
> I'm surprised you didn't build the "Texan amplifier" sold by Henry's,
> I must have built 10 of those for me and my mates, then spent many happy
> hours replacing the unprotected output transistors! They did sound good
> cranked up (with a good heatsink)!
> JC

I hve a non-worker Texan on a shelf. Wood cased , slimline due to the
transformer form-factor. Unprotected from high dV/dt I remember, first time
I came across fridges blowing amps

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 24 2010 12:45 am
From: "N_Cook"

Jeff Layman <jmlayman@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
> On 23/09/2010 02:18, Arfa Daily wrote:
> >
> >
> > "Jeff Layman" <jmlayman@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
> > news:i7dh7q$uq6$
> >> On 22/09/2010 17:39, N_Cook wrote:
> >>
> >>> Closer look and the cotton covering to the wiring between the output
> >>> heaters
> >>> is "perished", crumbling to dust, and needs replacing. Strange having
> >>> a load
> >>> of Mullard, Brimar and Z&I Aero valves to test
> >>
> >> Z&I Aero!!! I haven't heard that name for over 40 years. That was when
> >> their shop in Tottenham Court Road was worth visiting, followed by a
> >> stroll to Proops, and then onto Lisle Street. Are there any surplus
> >> places worth visiting today?
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >> Jeff
> >
> > I still have a Z&I Aero (Zaerix) glossy covered catalogue / data book in
> > near pristine condition. It has data on lovely old things like VCR97
> > 'scope tubes, and has all the prices in pounds, shillings and pence ! Oh
> > those lovely old days of skiving off school for the day and jumping on
> > the train to London to go to Tottenham Court Road and Lisle Street. Into
> > Henry's Radio .... I bought my first 'hifi' amplifier in Proops. It's a
> > Teleton SAQ-307. It's here in the computer room with me, and I'm looking
> > at it right now. Still works as good as the day it was bought. Only
> > about 8 watts per channel as I recall, but punched way above that
> > weight. It drives my EMI 13 x 8 cabs with 7 x 5 mids and Eagle dome
> > tweeters. The EMIs came from Henry's and the Eagles from Maplin I think,
> > but might have been Tandy (Radio Shack). I also have the matching
> > Teleton GT-203 tuner, and then the Nikko ND-790 cassette deck. Remember
> > those ? All together, it was the classic "poor man's" hifi rig of the
> > early 70s.
> >
> > I think most of the wonderful old junk shops have pretty much gone now,
> > but I think that Anchor Supplies up in Nottingham is still going.
> > Remember AH Supplies ? They used to advertise every month in Practically
> > Witless magazine, and I bought a lot of ex WW2 radios like 19 sets and
> > an R1392 and a Wavemeter D from them. I have a feeling that they might
> > still be going in one form or another. I'm also pretty sure that
> > Birketts over in Lincoln somewhere are still going too. Then there was
> > John's Radio, and Bull Electrical. Happy days ... Blimey. I've just
> > looked up John's Radio, and they are still going !
> I used to visit GWM in Worthing till they closed down in 2003. But I
> didn't know they had simply moved. Some interesting stuff here:

Not very convincing , some sort of legacy site?
"Page info " dates like 24 October 2003 13:55:48, and 24 October 2003
15:07:28, even for "New In" page info date 24 October 2003 14:43:53
I will try phoning to confirm -( isn't high tech marvelous) but
GWM Radio, 63 Victoria Road, Worthing
is indeed different to the Portland something address. I used to drop in,
going to Brighton


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Sep 23 2010 10:43 pm
From: rama rao










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