- 24 new messages in 14 topics - digest

Today's topics:

* Compact disc doesn't spin - 4 messages, 4 authors
* IDC 40-pin connector for 80-conductor cable? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Adding RGB input to Sony Trinitron - 1 messages, 1 author
* the REAL problem with my Dustbuster... - 6 messages, 3 authors
* Panasonic Blu-ray Player "No Disc" - 2 messages, 2 authors
* OT: Video - Soccer/Football/Futbol Prank Mean!!! LOL - 1 messages, 1 author
* cheap wholesale nike shox , nike tn , nike air max shoes (
- 1 messages, 1 author
* - 1
messages, 1 author
* salvaging components.. - 1 messages, 1 author
* reparing battery pack - 1 messages, 1 author
* Application of SPST switch. - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 200 insufficient blue - 1 messages, 1 author
* possibly OT: players reject region 0 DVD - 1 messages, 1 author
* Pigs Are Twice As Likely To Sexually Assault You And Five Times As Likely To
Murder You - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Compact disc doesn't spin

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 1:19 am
From: "Arfa Daily"

"GARY" <> wrote in message
> The original problem was the disc tray wouldn't open.
> After that posting, I removed the top of the unit and discovered that
> 4 discs had been inserted (instead of only 3). By removing the extra
> disc, the disc tray then would open..
> Since the original problem had been solved, I started a new thread
> describing the new problem: the compact disc wouldn't spin.

Okey dokey. But as you already said this in the original thread, that's
where I posted my original reply regarding this 'new' problem. Did you see
that ?


== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 2:51 am
From: Stefan Heimers

GARY wrote:

> After that posting, I removed the top of the unit and discovered that
> 4 discs had been inserted (instead of only 3). By removing the extra
> disc, the disc tray then would open..

Maybe the additional disc that was jammed bent, scratched or broke off part
of the optical system? The lens should be able to slightly move in all
directions. When started, the player usually first tries to adjust the focus
by moving the lens up and down. Does it do that?

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 11:02 am
From: GARY

On Mar 9, 2:51 am, Stefan Heimers <> wrote:
> GARY wrote:
> > After that posting, I removed the top of the unit and discovered that
> > 4 discs had been inserted (instead of only 3).  By removing the extra
> > disc, the disc tray then would open..
> Maybe the additional disc that was jammed bent, scratched or broke off part
> of the optical system? The lens should be able to slightly move in all
> directions. When started, the player usually first tries to adjust the focus
> by moving the lens up and down. Does it do that?

Yes, the lens moves up and down.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 12:47 pm
From: Meat Plow

On Wed, 09 Mar 2011 01:36:57 +0000, Arfa Daily wrote:

> "Meat Plow" <> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 08 Mar 2011 10:36:44 -0800, GARY wrote:
>>> No error-code.
>>> After the 3 discs are cycled over the lens, the display says "No
>>> Disc".
>> You've got problems in the logic portion. If it were a laser problem
>> the disc would rotate and the sled would slide the laser block in and
>> out looking for a disc ID.
> Often not the case, Meat. Many players will not start to spin the disc
> up or move the laser down its slides, unless focus lock is obtained, The
> movement of about an inch is often an attempt to move the disc to a
> different spot to retry the initial focusing operation, in case the
> original spot on the disc was dirty or damaged. This small movement of
> the disc may be carried out just the once, or several times before it
> gives up and declares there to be no disc ...
> Just as a matter of interest, why has the OP started a new thread,
> instead of continuing with his original, also called "Compact disc
> doesn't spin" started two days ago ?
> Arfa

I must be thinking of a DVD. Looking at this portable player with a
window to see the disk as soon as the lid is closed the disc rotates
and then the sled moves in and out. Been too long since I've worked on a
CD player to remember if they do the same I guess.

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse

TOPIC: IDC 40-pin connector for 80-conductor cable?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 2:41 am
From: The Ghost In The Machine



TOPIC: Adding RGB input to Sony Trinitron

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 12:33 am

On Mar 8, 5:17 pm, boardjunkie1 <> wrote:
> On Mar 8, 5:57 am, Christen Alex <> wrote:
> > boardjunkie1 wrote:
> > > I picked up a flat face Trinitron yesterday for peanuts. I plan to use
> > > this as an arcade game monitor (in a MAME setup) and need RGB and
> > > seperate sync inputs.
> > > From the schem, I see the "jungle" chip has RGB outputs, so I assume I
> > > can insert the color gun signals here. What signal level is it wanting
> > > to see here? .7v? Also, I need to keep the OSD for setup and
> > > adjustments, so will this be the best option?
> > > The schem is here:
> > >
> > > I can see a good place to tap in H sync (after the seperator), but I
> > > don't see any reference to V sync. I see the output IC, but its a PITA
> > > to trace it back.
> > > Suggestions?
> > I would not recommend doing such a thing. Without a proper NTSC signal,
> > your flyback and horizontal output transformer will be fried.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> Getting back to this project.....while it works, I'm not happy
> the video quality with the simple RGB amp I threw together. Seems
> theres excessive contrast....backgrounds are too dark and small
> details are getting buried. So I have an LM1203 I think will do a
> better job.
> I think the circuit in the app notes of the datasheet (p16) will
> suffice. I'm foggy on what to do with the clamp gate input. They
> a sync stripper chip providing its signal, but I'm not working with
> composite sync.....its seperate H/V passively mixed to "fake"
> composite. The tv doesn't have a problem with it, but that chip
> Any insight?

The H drive trailing edge can trigger a 3-5 uSec monostable to make
the clamp gate. You just need the timing shown in figure 5 on page 7.
If you run into anomalies during the vertical interval you may need to
gate out clamp pulses during vertical but it will likely be OK without
gating.. Good luck.

TOPIC: the REAL problem with my Dustbuster...

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 3:55 am
From: "William Sommerwerck"

> The Edsyn will work. Didn't we just have a thread
> on soldering to batteries?

Yes. But I like to double-check.

> Maybe that was on a.h.r. Clean surfaces. Scuff with
> sandpaper. Use liquid flux. Crank Edsyn up to 800F.
> Tin wire. Tin battery. Use more flux and reflow wire
> to battery.

Pretty much what I thought. Thanks.

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 3:58 am
From: "William Sommerwerck"

> Keep the battery as cold as possible (i.e. wet sponge).

Hadn't thought of that. I could stick it in the refrigerator for a while,

> You can also build your own spot welder with a big fat
> cazapitor.

Great! A man after my intellectual heart.

> Search Google and YouTube for "capacitor discharge spot
> welder". For example:
> <>
> If you don't want to build the entire circuit, just charge up the
> biggest capacitor bank you can throw together.

I've got some electronic-flash caps lying around.

> Last resort is to drag it down to Batteries Plus or some similar
> vendor that has the proper spot welder.

I never thought of that! It might be worth a coupla bucks!

> Very last resort is to just slop some epoxy on the flat wire and
> battery terminal, and hope that it holds.

Unless it's silver-filled epoxy, no way.

== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 3:59 am
From: "William Sommerwerck"

> There is a conductive epoxy that can be used
> to fix this sort of thing...

I invented conductive epoxy 50+ years ago. I didn't patent it, though. And
probably someone else had beaten me to it.

== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 8:16 am
From: mike

Jeff Liebermann wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Mar 2011 18:34:44 -0800, "William Sommerwerck"
> <> wrote:
>> The actual problem was not an intermittent switch. It was the last thing I'd
>> have expected -- one of the welds on the battery pack had come loose!
> It happens. Spot welding takes practice.
>> Without turning this into a megillah... Any suggestions on repairing it
>> without damaging the cell? I don't have welding equipment. I do have an
>> EDSYN pencil iron, and a 100W RadioShack gun.
> Test the broken flat wire to see if it can be soldered. Keep the
> battery as cold as possible (i.e. wet sponge). Plenty of liquid flux
> and heat. Work fast to keep the heat affected zone to a minimum.
>> Please don't turn a straightforward question into a tsimmes. (But you will.)
> Mazel Tov. You can also build your own spot welder with a big fat
> cazapitor. Search Google and YouTube for "capacitor discharge spot
> welder". For example:
> <>
> If you don't want to build the entire circuit, just charge up the
> biggest capacitor bank you can throw together. One lead goes to the
> battery terminal. The flat wire goes is placed on top of the
> terminal. The electrode is some kind of heavy (#10 awg) solid copper
> wire. Compress this sandwich together, and apply power at the
> capacitor bank. Hopefully, it will weld the flat wire, and not the
> capacitor terminals. In theory, the stainless leads with have a
> higher resistance than the copper electrodes, so the stainless will
> heat up, not the copper.

Spot welding is a LOT harder than it sounds.
Just to use some round numbers that you can scale for your application...
If you expect to get 10,000 amps out of 10V, you can't have more than
a milliohm of resistance. That's the cap esr + the switch + the wire +
the contacts
+ the contact resistance at the weld. And the only thing that does much
good is the amps x volts x time at the junction between the two parts
being welded plus a little in the weld material itself.

An extra couple of milliohms in the system will render the welder impotent.
And the weld will be extremely sensitive to the contact resistance
between the weldments and thus the pressure applied and the contact area
and, and , and. With a low-voltage AC welder made from a microwave oven
transformer, I was getting about 20% good welds. The commercial CD
welder with the same homebrew weld head was closer to 100% good.

You really want something that controls current rather than voltage.
Then, most of the variables end up in one place, the weld.
Using a higher voltage and some intentional, controlled series
resistance can make it much more reliable.

Many battery tabs are made of zinc. Easier to weld than stainless.
Hobby-Store 5mil brass is very easy to weld, but may be too high
resistance for a dust buster.

Having said that, you can, with practice, make usable battery tab welds
with a capacitor bank, a pressure controlled contact system and a switch
made out of a nail. Charge the caps, apply weld pressure, slam the nail
across two BIG wires. I was using 4/0 wire. You get one weld per nail,
but nails are cheap.

You didn't say which wire. if it's the negative, you may be able to fix it
by hose-clamping the wire to the battery case.

I'm gonna get yelled at, but I would not solder a battery.
Can be done with practice. Trying it for the first time on the only
battery you have is fraught with risk. Separator material inside
melts pretty easily. I wouldn't try with a gun. I'd use a 50W pencil
with a MASSIVE 1000F tip and very short heat application. You're heating
a lot of mass quickly. Gun can't hack it.
> Last resort is to drag it down to Batteries Plus or some similar
> vendor that has the proper spot welder.
> Very last resort is to just slop some epoxy on the flat wire and
> battery terminal, and hope that it holds.

== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 8:46 am
From: "William Sommerwerck"

> I'm gonna get yelled at, but I would not solder a battery.
> Can be done with practice.

I remember successfully doing it once or twice before. But you're right --
it's not a good idea. Solder doesn't bond well with most battery cases, and
the case is huge heat sink that makes it hard to make a quick solder joint.

> Trying it for the first time on the only
> battery you have is fraught with risk.

Charlie Fraught and Joe Risk?

> Last resort is to drag it down to Batteries Plus or some similar
> vendor that has the proper spot welder.

I lucked out. The guy at the local B+ store said he'd do it for free if I
came in early tomorrow morning.

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 4:12 pm
From: Jeff Liebermann

On Wed, 9 Mar 2011 03:58:33 -0800, "William Sommerwerck"
<> wrote:

>> Very last resort is to just slop some epoxy on the flat wire and
>> battery terminal, and hope that it holds.
>Unless it's silver-filled epoxy, no way.

I don't mean slopping the epoxy in between the battery terminal and
the flat wire. I mean push the two wires together, and slop some
epoxy on top in order to just hold them together. The Dustbuster
doesn't draw all that much current so I suspect a simple mechanical
connection will work. Kinda like the contacts for D cell batteries in
kids toys, flashlights, games, etc, where a welded contact isn't
necessary. If you're not sure if it will work, and don't want to deal
with permanent epoxy, use Duct Tape to hold the flat wire in place.

Jeff Liebermann
150 Felker St #D
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

TOPIC: Panasonic Blu-ray Player "No Disc"

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 4:47 am
From: Bob Villa

I get this message whether there is a BD or DVD in the drive. There is
no dust inside and neither laser lights. There are no error messages
just "Reading" then "No Disc".
This is a DMP-BD60 and over a year old with 2.5 update.
Thanks for any suggestions on repair.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 7:04 am
From: Sitre Josephenne Magana

Bob Villa wrote:
> I get this message whether there is a BD or DVD in the drive. There is
> no dust inside and neither laser lights. There are no error messages
> just "Reading" then "No Disc".
> This is a DMP-BD60 and over a year old with 2.5 update.
> Thanks for any suggestions on repair.
> bob_v
The laser isn't going to work unless you have a disc in the unit unless
you update the firmware.

TOPIC: OT: Video - Soccer/Football/Futbol Prank Mean!!! LOL

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 8:35 am
From: RoadRunner

TOPIC: cheap wholesale nike shox , nike tn , nike air max shoes (

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 7:52 am
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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 10:53 am
From: N M

TOPIC: salvaging components..

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 11:46 am
From: D Yuniskis

On 3/8/2011 2:33 PM, Charles wrote:
> "bob urz" wrote in message news:il5n2p$r1p$
> bob
> Hey Bob! No way that salvaged components are likely to become even a
> minor factor in manufacturing. In repair, sure. There are electronic
> junkyards. JUST MY OPINION as stated with no authority, no crystal ball,
> no data base, no real reason to respond, no political agenda, no known
> mental pathologies, no interest in USENET vitriol ...... :>)

Hmmm... I seem to recall that (USA) devices sold with
"used" parts inside must be marked as such. This begs the
question: what constitutes *used*? "Previously *sold*?
Or, "previously manufactured" (regardless of sale)?

TOPIC: reparing battery pack

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 1:18 pm
From: Baron

Spamm Trappe Inscribed thus:

> On Tue, 08 Mar 2011 12:47:08 +0000, Sitre Josephenne Magana wrote:
>> LSMFT wrote:
>>> When I rebuild my drill battery pack with new C nicads do I have to
>>> stay in the same mAh rating. The originals are 1300mAh, I can
>>> replace them with 2300mAh cells with tabs. Or even 4000mAh ones.
>>> Will more mAh hurt the drill?
>> Nope. My friend Ryan Morris tells me that if you replace it with
>> 4000mAh cells, you will giving it 4000mA when it was only designed to
>> take 1300mA.
> You need to get a new friend....

I agree !

Best Regards:

TOPIC: Application of SPST switch.

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 2:58 pm
From: Peter

This switch
has terminals marked "PWR ACC GRD". How should it be connected?

I'll speculate that PWR & ACC are for the circuit and GRD is for the
If GRD is connected to the neutral conductor, the lamp is on when the
is closed?

Thanks, ... Peter E.
peasthope at shaw dot ca

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 3:50 pm
From: "Dave M"

Peter wrote:
> This switch
> has terminals marked "PWR ACC GRD". How should it be connected?
> I'll speculate that PWR & ACC are for the circuit and GRD is for the
> lamp.
> If GRD is connected to the neutral conductor, the lamp is on when the
> switch
> is closed?
> Thanks, ... Peter E.
> peasthope at shaw dot ca

Yes... You connect 12V to the PWR terminal, and Ground to the GRD terminal.
The device or circuit you're turning on connects to the ACC terminal. When
the switch is switched ON, 12V is internally connected to the device and the
lamp, turning both on.

dgminala at mediacombb dot net

TOPIC: Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 200 insufficient blue

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 7:09 am
From: Sitre Josephenne Magana wrote:
> I just got an old 22" Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 200 CRT monitor.
> The previous owner said that the picture was "greenish".
> He didn't say anything else about it.
> The problem is that the blue color is about one tenth as bright as it
> sould be, which means the colors look greenish-browning, unless I set
> the red and green gains down to where I can barely see the image in a
> normally lit room.
> Of course, I tried to set the blue gain to the max setting, but it is
> still one tenth as bright as it should be, by my estimation.
> I opened the unit up and looked inside. It is fairly free of dust.
> The parts of it that I could see without taking it completely apart
> didn't show any visible defects such as burned parts, loose connectors,
> broken wires, scorch marks, et cetera.
> Aside from the dim blues, the unit works just fine, and I would like to
> take a shot at fixing it.
> Does anyone have any suggestions for what I should check first, second,
> third, and so on?
> Thanks to all of you.
> Graviton.
It means that the software driver for the blue electron gun needs to be

TOPIC: possibly OT: players reject region 0 DVD

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 7:12 am
From: Sitre Josephenne Magana

William Sommerwerck wrote:
> One of my recent SACD purchases included a bonus region 0 "making of" DVD. A
> Sony BD player and DVD player both rejected the disk, on the basis of region
> incompatibility.
> This is decidedly odd, as region 0 disks are supposed to play on any player.
> (Right?)
> What am I missing?
> Please don't turn this simple question into a tsimmes or megillah. Thanks.

It's because the disk wasn't finalized you need to put in in your
computer's DVD-RW drive and finalize it

TOPIC: Pigs Are Twice As Likely To Sexually Assault You And Five Times As
Likely To Murder You

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Mar 9 2011 7:16 am
From: Lady Veteran

IT'S true! According to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting statistics,
between January 2010 and September 2010, 31 kops per 100,000 committed
homicide and 73 committed sexual assault. In comparison to 100,000 of
the general population (this includes blacks, whites, Mexicans, gang
members etc) only 5 citizens committed homicide and 29 committed sexual

If you have a choice to mingle with a crowd of 100,000 kops or 100,000
citizens, it's more dangerous to hang out with the police.

I'm still amazed at the number of Americans (mostly the older) who still
trust persons wearing a uniform of authority. The older demographic was
brainwashed so well they do whatever their preachers, police officers,
politicians or judges tell them to do. It's this "authority worshiping"
and blind obedience that led America to its current police state that
houses 25% of the world's prisoners but contains only 5% of the world's
population. Our parents and grandparents were duped into giving away our
freedoms for a pretended security.

It's not the Muslim community or some non-American police force jailing
all these Americans. Unfortunately, it's our own Christian people and
courts that are responsible for these mass social injustices and civil
rights violations. If the Muslims were caging over 800,000 Americans per
year for non-violent marijuana crimes, our Christian army would label
the offenders "terrorist" and immediately begin bombing.

I'm currently authoring an E-Book instructing citizens how to handle the
first 72 hours after getting busted. A section of my book deals with
police, judges and prosecutors having no conscience. The new FBI
statistics reported above supports my claim. Here is an unedited excerpt
from the book:

"I recently read the national best seller, The Sociopath Next Door, by
Dr. Martha Stout, PH.D. I totally agree when she states 1 out of 25
Americans is secretly a sociopath. A sociopath is a person with no
conscience. Sociopaths won't necessarily murder you but if they do, they
won't feel bad about the crime and will justify their actions. There are
millions of sociopaths who have never committed a crime but they have
murdered reputations, families and lives as they lie, cheat and
manipulate to advance their personal agenda. Sociopaths are exactly what
you are dealing with regarding police, jailers, prosecutors, judges and
most lawyers. I'm teaching you this so you know your enemy. You must get
it through your head that these people do not have a conscience and they
don't feel sorry about ruining your life by unnecessarily torturing you
in the hands of their Christian courts.

My mother instilled a strong sense of conscience in me and then I was
separated from her at an early age. I have since regained my conscience
that was seared during my tour as one of our nation's top drug
enforcement agents. This sociopathic attitude was echoed by my cop
friends, prosecutors and judges who would privately announce "Fuck them.
They are trash and shouldn't be breaking the law. I don't feel a bit
sorry for them. Lock 'em all up and do God a favor."

It's so embarrassing for me to share this because my behavior was mean
and evil and I'm not that person any longer. I'm sorry for what I did so
it's my duty to share this with you so you realize who and what you are
dealing with in terms of American law enforcement. Don't' expect any
mercy during your arrest and the lengthy court process because
sociopaths have no mercy.

I cringe every time I hear the following lie that has been repeated so
many times, it's accepted as truth: 'There are only a few cops,
prosecutors and judges who make the rest look bad.' This simply isn't
true. The reason all cops, prosecutors and judges are bad is because
they enforce a penal code that is archaic, unfair, racist, biased,
cruel, and designed to control the masses. Any adult who receives a
paycheck and props themselves up as a community leader while enforcing
such a cruel system is "bad" or sociopathic.

The large concentration of sociopaths in the American criminal justice
system is a generational phenomenon created when a patrolman in the
1930's was rewarded for his conscienceless behavior and promoted to
Chief of Police who then hired and promoted other sociopaths and fired
and demoted the officers who have a conscience. This pattern was
repeated for several generations and has led to a large number of
mindless, overweight murderers and molesters who are in charge of our
sacred American justice system."

We will discuss this topic with live callers so join "NeverGetBusted
Live!" with Barry and Candi at NeverGetBusted.Com or
AmericanFreedomRadio.Com each Monday night from 9pm to 10pm Central. All
of these live shows will be filmed and uploaded to YouTube.


"I rode a tank and held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank."

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"Only a male compensating for his impotence
would accuse a strong woman of being a lesbian."


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