Digest for sci.electronics.repair@googlegroups.com - 7 updates in 2 topics

Mike Coon <gravity@mjcoon.plus.com>: Nov 14 02:24PM

In article <59e99c4e-f8ee-4bcc-8c21-acd054f21a3d@googlegroups.com>,
pfjw@aol.com says...
> equipped.
> Peter Wieck
> Melrose Park
Tubes vs SMT has got to be a good contrast. Still, there are lamps on
the market that look although they have filaments but are actually LEDs.
So maybe there will be convergence...
oldschool@tubes.com: Nov 14 09:13AM -0600

>>it's set.
>Assuming the pot is open, it would be even easier and less risky to
>solder a resistor across its terminals without removing the pot.
Yep, it's open. I measured the resistance on the pot in the dead modem,
which appears to have a good pot. 10K ohms across the outer terminals
(in circuit), and the center (wiper) varies when turned (like it
When I measure across the outer terminals on the modem with no sound,
it's infinate resistance.
The pot has a metal housing around it, so I cant see what is goingv on
inside, but there must be a crack of sorts.
If 10K is what it is. I'll clip a 5K resistor in there That shoujld give
half volume.If that sounds right, I'll jusat tack that resistor in it.
tschw10117@gmail.com: Nov 14 07:43AM -0800

This should be fun.....
"pfjw@aol.com" <pfjw@aol.com>: Nov 14 08:25AM -0800

> This should be fun.....
Peter Wieck
Melrose Park, PA
Foxs Mercantile <jdangus@att.net>: Nov 14 07:37AM -0600

On 11/13/2017 2:39 PM, bitrex wrote:
> They're slowly unsticking and starting to turn via repeated light
> applications of WD-40 being worked down the holes into the threads over
> many days
As effective as barking at the moon.
Use a real product designed for that.
Foxs Mercantile <jdangus@att.net>: Nov 14 07:39AM -0600

> Aren't the knobs some sort of plastic? I would not think a metal screw
> would get stuck in plastic from rusting.
Another thing you apparently can't understand.
If the screws rust, the rust embeds itself in the plastic.
Foxs Mercantile <jdangus@att.net>: Nov 14 07:40AM -0600

On 11/14/2017 5:47 AM, bitrex wrote:
> Nope, all wood!
Most all wood knobs have a metal insert.
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