- 25 new messages in 13 topics - digest

Today's topics:

* (paypal payment)( cheap wholesale ED hardy
Christan Audigier,LV,BOSS etc. brand caps hat belts and other products free
shipping - 1 messages, 1 author
* Foregoing warranty rights - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Discount Wholesale Affliction Jeans Armani Jeans Christian Audigier Jeans
True Religion Jeans and so on <free shipping paypal payment> (http://www.24 ) - 1 messages, 1 author
* Toroidal mains Tx inrush limiter - retrofit - 2 messages, 2 authors
* CRT vertical deflection -- bad solder joints? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Please Visit: - 1 messages, 1 author
* Compaq Presario 1230 Laptop Accessing BIOS Setup - 2 messages, 1 author
messages, 1 author
* AVO 8 Mk 4 ... - 8 messages, 7 authors
* How To Choose Soccer Jersey? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Speaker Crossover Wiring : Solve the Puzzle - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Recommendation for electronics forums? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Media Center - B2B Marketplace - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: (paypal payment)( cheap wholesale ED
hardy Christan Audigier,LV,BOSS etc. brand caps hat belts and other products
free shipping

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Mar 31 2011 11:00 pm
From: jialiujeans

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TOPIC: Foregoing warranty rights

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 1:19 am
From: "N_Cook"

Jeff Liebermann <> wrote in message
> On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 15:30:03 +0100, "N_Cook" <>
> wrote:
> >Anyone else coming across this ?
> Yes. It's a major source of my business. Usually it's someone who
> has purchased an extended warranty with onsite repair, that is on try
> #3 to get it fixed right. Some things just can't be done at the
> customers home or office. Similarly, with purchases of Apple Care,
> who really don't want to wait up to 4 months to get their whatever
> fixed. If they really need their computer to working now, they'll
> forego the warranty and deal with a disreputable but fast repair
> person like me.
> >Twice in about 2 months, an owner of new
> >music kit wanting me to repair intermittant faults after being used only
> >few times from new. So loosing his warranty rights. 2 different companies
> >reason for first owner foregoing his rights, unknown. This second time
> >owner was quoted 2 months minimum turn around, sending back to the
> >(import/asembly plant) in another part of the country, but otherwise no
> >charge. Is there an excessive number of returns these days or what is the
> >reason?
> It's the 2 month delay that is probably the primary incentive. A
> friend, looking over my shoulder, casually mentioned that it took a
> large telescope manufacturer about 7 months to return his telescope
> for out of warranty repair. Delays are also not very consistent. I've
> seen amazingly fast turn around by HP and Dell on warranty repairs
> (usually exchange for another repaired unit), followed by atrocious
> delays the next month, sometimes losing the item. My guess is that
> all these vendors are using outsourced repair facilities, which are
> having their own problems ranging from too much business (overload),
> to variations on ineptitude.
> Locally, the various authorized service centers, are constantly
> complaining about delivery delays on replacement components. Their
> contract with the manufacturer requires that they use only brand new
> parts, obtained directly from the manufacturer. No eBay or
> cannibalized parts. So, the customers waits, even though the missing
> part is sitting only a few feet away.
> Drivel: You have no idea how many laptop hinges I repair. Actually,
> I have no idea either as I don't keep count, but it's plenty. Broken
> hinges seem to be a problem. Some vendors cover them under warranty,
> while others claim that since their hinges are perfect, it must be
> customer abuse that caused them to break apart.
> --
> # Jeff Liebermann 150 Felker St #D Santa Cruz CA 95060
> # 831-336-2558
> #
> # AE6KS

Is this the scenario.
These companies import populated boards from China etc and asssemble in this
country ( England). Apart from a designer there may be no one technical
enough in the assembly plant to do repair. Which is fine when there are
plenty of new units around to send out as in-warranty replacements. But that
only works if the rate of returns is say 2 percent , the returns sold on in
that specialist auction house in Nottingham . But if the returns is more
like 10 percent then it will impact on the viability of the company

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 4:08 am
From: "William Sommerwerck"

> My favorite example is the cell phone. I have a small side business
> repairing these and supplying spares and replacements. None of them
> are built to be repaired, so that's a challenge. Yet, the condition
> of most of the phones I see are so bad, that were it any other
> product, I would claim that the owner was intentionally abusing the
> device. With an average lifetime of about 18 months for a consumer
> dumb phone, the level of quality need not be much above minimal.

I'm curious. My current cell phone -- a Korean Lucky Goldstar -- is almost
five years old. Never had problems with it, and it's in great shape. (I
rarely abuse my purchases.) What, exactly, are the things you see that
suggest products -- cell phones or otherwise -- are abused?

On a related note... I was talking with a friend who's my age, and owns a
company that makes consumer audio equipment. He agreed with me that pride of
ownership has largely disappeared. Nothing seems to be of lasting value.
Products become obsolete after only a few months.

TOPIC: Discount Wholesale Affliction Jeans Armani Jeans Christian Audigier
Jeans True Religion Jeans and so on <free shipping paypal payment> (http://www. )

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 1:50 am
From: "wholesale brand shoes clothes handbag watch by paypal(www.brandshoes08.

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TOPIC: Toroidal mains Tx inrush limiter - retrofit

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 4:30 am
From: "N_Cook"

This green thermistor limiter 10 deg C over ambient with no throughput and
20 deg C over with 0.4 amp mains with amp driving load.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 5:30 am
From: Mike Tomlinson

In article <in4d0o$4dq$>, N_Cook <>

>This green thermistor limiter 10 deg C over ambient with no throughput and
>20 deg C over with 0.4 amp mains with amp driving load.

Bit warmer than I would be comfortable with.

Mike Tomlinson

TOPIC: CRT vertical deflection -- bad solder joints?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 5:50 am
From: "Mark Zacharias"

"Mike Tomlinson" <> wrote in message
> In article <imsmrd$5nf$>, William Sommerwerck
> <> writes
>>But I learned a long time ago that it's
>>more important to simply get the damned thing fixed. If that means
>>shotgunning likely components, so be it.
> Would you be happy for a car mechanic to shotgun a fault on your car,
> with you paying for his time and all the parts he is unnecessarily
> fitting?
> --
> Mike Tomlinson

If the parts are cheap with little or no additional labor, and done to
prevent a repeat failure in the near time frame, as is often the case with
TV's, then yes, I would be happy, and so are my customers.

Mark Z.

TOPIC: Please Visit:

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 6:13 am
From: PeterD

On 3/31/2011 3:38 PM, mr.jak wrote:
> =================================
> Explore& discover& be convinced that ISLAM is the truth! ...
> Please Visit:

Another spam from the religion of hate!

I'm never going to grow up.

TOPIC: Compaq Presario 1230 Laptop Accessing BIOS Setup

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 7:57 am

Hi Geoff,

I downloaded the SM (THANKS), but that procedure on page 21 has to do
with the power on password.

My issue is the BIOS Settings password. However, I tried that procedure,
but waited longer than 30 seconds to be sure of the "clear". Unfortunately,
it did not work. I am still faced with the BIOS settings PW prompt.

I searched the .PDF for every occurrence of "password", but the only ones
I found relates to power on password. I also checked "Computer Setup"
(press F10), but there was no information regarding a password, only
power management, etc.

The screen I see after I press F10 is: "PhoenixBios Setup Utility".
Below that is the slot for a password.

I also searched the .PDF for "Phoenix" (not found), "Bios" (found, but
no information on a password).

Apparently the PW is stored in the BIOS which no doubt is a "flash" BIOS.

Again, thank you for the SM link, John

On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 13:14:03 +0000 (UTC), in you wrote:

> wrote:
>> If I can change the boot sequence, I can do without the floppy drive,
>> but to get into the settings by pressing F10, I have to enter a password.
>> I don't have the phone number of the person I bought it from who lives
>> out of town.
>Page 21.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 11:06 am


Laptop is "Working"!

I have system information regarding all my old computers so I decided to
look for one that has a Phoenix BIOS made around the same time as this 1230.
I found one in my Fujitsu laptop. I have the OM for the Fujitsu, so I looked
for information regarding BIOS setup. On that page I saw, if I press Esc key
during boot up (Fujitsu), I will be presented with an option to boot from a
different drive.

I decided to try that on the 1230, but I was not presented with this
option (pick a drive). Instead, I saw a message that stated "configuration
was restored" (not exact words). Not only that, my floppy drive is

I don't know if pressing Esc key restored parameters, but I made a note
of that should this event happen again. That's not all. Now I can press
F10 during power up and get into BIOS settings without a pass word!
Note: I searched the SM (.PDF) for "Esc" (whole word), but no information
was found.

Of course I changed the boot sequence to CD drive first.

Again, Thanks to everyone, John

On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 08:43:39 -0500, in you wrote:

> I service TVs, etc. Once in a while, I service my own computers, one of
>which is a Compaq Presario 1230 laptop with Windows 98se I bought second hand
>a few years ago. You may consider this obsolete, but to me, it is very
> Recently, during power up, I saw "Error, O2BO: Diskette drive A error".
>I removed the floppy drive, but I got the same error, which could be
>it's controller?
> I inserted a bootable CD rom hoping that the boot sequence might start at
>the CD rom, but it didn't. It must be A: drive first. Note: The HDD is fine
>because I removed it and checked it on anther PC.
> If I can change the boot sequence, I can do without the floppy drive,
>but to get into the settings by pressing F10, I have to enter a password.
>I don't have the phone number of the person I bought it from who lives
>out of town.
> I removed the RTC/CMOS battery (soldered in) and waited 24 hours
>hoping that it may "clear" the password requirement, but it did not.
>Maybe I should wait longer?
> Pressing F10 presents a screen that says, "Phoenix BIOS Setup Utility"
>followed by a prompt for a password. I tried some by guessing, but it
>didn't work. I hope the password isn't stored in the BIOS.
> Do you know a technique to bypass the password requirement so
>I can change the boot sequence?
> Thank You in Advance, John
>PS, Remove "ine" from my email address


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 7:01 am
From: devi vithya

TOPIC: AVO 8 Mk 4 ...

== 1 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 8:45 am
From: "Arfa Daily"

Anybody got a copy of the schematic that's in the back of the user guide
that they can scan for me, please ? I've searched all my files and drawers
high and low, and can't find my book anywhere ... I thought that the 'net
would be awash with copies of the schematic, but it seems only for the Mk 2,
which is totally different to the MK 4.



== 2 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 10:40 am
From: "Robin"

Arfa Daily wrote:
> Anybody got a copy of the schematic that's in the back of the user
> guide that they can scan for me, please ? I've searched all my files
> and drawers high and low, and can't find my book anywhere ... I
> thought that the 'net would be awash with copies of the schematic,
> but it seems only for the Mk 2, which is totally different to the MK
> 4.
Is it the circuit diagram at ?
(Registration necessary for download. I have not done it as mine's a Mk
PM may be sent to rbw0{at}hotmail{dot}com

== 3 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 1:46 pm
From: "Arfa Daily"

"Robin" <see@sig.sep> wrote in message
> Arfa Daily wrote:
>> Anybody got a copy of the schematic that's in the back of the user
>> guide that they can scan for me, please ? I've searched all my files
>> and drawers high and low, and can't find my book anywhere ... I
>> thought that the 'net would be awash with copies of the schematic,
>> but it seems only for the Mk 2, which is totally different to the MK
>> 4.
>> TIA
> Is it the circuit diagram at
> ?
> (Registration necessary for download. I have not done it as mine's a Mk
> II.)
> --
> Robin
> PM may be sent to rbw0{at}hotmail{dot}com

Hi Robin, thanks for that. It would appear to be the correct one. Looks as
though you need to pay to become a member, so I will hold off for now until
all the feelers that I have out, run dry. It's really annoying because I
have owned the meter from new when I was an apprentice, and I have the book,
which has the schematic in it, carefully filed away somewhere, but I'm
buggered if I can now find it. It is in a box file, but said boxfile is not
where I know it should be. Even more annoying is that I have damaged the
meter by my own stupidity, so now have the need to fix it ... :-(


== 4 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 1:59 pm
From: "Ian Field"

"Arfa Daily" <> wrote in message
> "Robin" <see@sig.sep> wrote in message
> news:97olp.1305$bT6.318@newsfe05.ams2...
>> Arfa Daily wrote:
>>> Anybody got a copy of the schematic that's in the back of the user
>>> guide that they can scan for me, please ? I've searched all my files
>>> and drawers high and low, and can't find my book anywhere ... I
>>> thought that the 'net would be awash with copies of the schematic,
>>> but it seems only for the Mk 2, which is totally different to the MK
>>> 4.
>>> TIA
>> Is it the circuit diagram at
>> ?
>> (Registration necessary for download. I have not done it as mine's a Mk
>> II.)
>> --
>> Robin
>> PM may be sent to rbw0{at}hotmail{dot}com
> Hi Robin, thanks for that. It would appear to be the correct one. Looks as
> though you need to pay to become a member, so I will hold off for now
> until all the feelers that I have out, run dry. It's really annoying
> because I have owned the meter from new when I was an apprentice, and I
> have the book, which has the schematic in it, carefully filed away
> somewhere, but I'm buggered if I can now find it. It is in a box file, but
> said boxfile is not where I know it should be. Even more annoying is that
> I have damaged the meter by my own stupidity, so now have the need to fix
> it ... :-(

There may be an outside chance its turned up on
alt.binaries.e-book.technical at some time or other.

Whether I'd have downloaded it is another matter, and it would take a while
to search my archives.

You could try a REQ: on that group while I try to remember where I put all
the unsorted stuff.

== 5 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 2:03 pm
From: Meat Plow

On Fri, 01 Apr 2011 21:46:53 +0100, Arfa Daily wrote:

> "Robin" <see@sig.sep> wrote in message
> news:97olp.1305$bT6.318@newsfe05.ams2...
>> Arfa Daily wrote:
>>> Anybody got a copy of the schematic that's in the back of the user
>>> guide that they can scan for me, please ? I've searched all my files
>>> and drawers high and low, and can't find my book anywhere ... I
>>> thought that the 'net would be awash with copies of the schematic, but
>>> it seems only for the Mk 2, which is totally different to the MK 4.
>>> TIA
>> Is it the circuit diagram at
>> ?
>> (Registration necessary for download. I have not done it as mine's a
>> Mk II.)
>> --
>> Robin
>> PM may be sent to rbw0{at}hotmail{dot}com
> Hi Robin, thanks for that. It would appear to be the correct one. Looks
> as though you need to pay to become a member, so I will hold off for now
> until all the feelers that I have out, run dry. It's really annoying
> because I have owned the meter from new when I was an apprentice, and I
> have the book, which has the schematic in it, carefully filed away
> somewhere, but I'm buggered if I can now find it. It is in a box file,
> but said boxfile is not where I know it should be. Even more annoying is
> that I have damaged the meter by my own stupidity, so now have the need
> to fix it ... :-(
> Arfa

That's too bad. I have some old gear I used as an apprentice that have a
high value in the nostalgia department. An old EICO 232 VTVM, B&K 1801
freq. counter, Beckman Tech 310 DVM, Amprobe Amp Clamp and some other
things that I can't think of right now.

Live Fast Die Young, Leave A Pretty Corpse

== 6 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 2:09 pm
From: John Williamson

Arfa Daily wrote:
> "Robin" <see@sig.sep> wrote in message
> news:97olp.1305$bT6.318@newsfe05.ams2...
>> Arfa Daily wrote:
>>> Anybody got a copy of the schematic that's in the back of the user
>>> guide that they can scan for me, please ? I've searched all my files
>>> and drawers high and low, and can't find my book anywhere ... I
>>> thought that the 'net would be awash with copies of the schematic,
>>> but it seems only for the Mk 2, which is totally different to the MK
>>> 4.
>>> TIA
>> Is it the circuit diagram at
>> ?
>> (Registration necessary for download. I have not done it as mine's a
>> Mk II.)
>> --
>> Robin
>> PM may be sent to rbw0{at}hotmail{dot}com
> Hi Robin, thanks for that. It would appear to be the correct one. Looks
> as though you need to pay to become a member, so I will hold off for now
> until all the feelers that I have out, run dry. It's really annoying
> because I have owned the meter from new when I was an apprentice, and I
> have the book, which has the schematic in it, carefully filed away
> somewhere, but I'm buggered if I can now find it. It is in a box file,
> but said boxfile is not where I know it should be. Even more annoying is
> that I have damaged the meter by my own stupidity, so now have the need
> to fix it ... :-(
Have you tried:-

And get a log on for the support pages?

They seem to be the sort of company who do product support properly. It
might even be worth giving them a call at their head office in Dover.

Tciao for Now!


== 7 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 2:33 pm
From: Terry Casey

In message <Cqmlp.4035$KZ7.856@newsfe08.ams2> on Fri, 1 Apr 2011 16:45:37 +0100
Arfa Daily <> wrote:
> Anybody got a copy of the schematic that's in the back of the user guide
> that they can scan for me, please ? I've searched all my files and drawers
> high and low, and can't find my book anywhere ... I thought that the 'net
> would be awash with copies of the schematic, but it seems only for the Mk 2,
> which is totally different to the MK 4.

Have you tried the Vintage Radio Forum?

They have a vintage test equipment forum and there are lots of nice, helpful
people on there ...

On the other hand, there's also me ...



== 8 of 8 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 3:02 pm
From: Mike Tomlinson

In article <5Rqlp.4508$o81.2161@newsfe28.ams2>, Arfa Daily
<> writes

> Even more annoying is that I have damaged the
>meter by my own stupidity

Measured the resistance of the mains?



TOPIC: How To Choose Soccer Jersey?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 11:42 am
From: davi

Soccer Jersey getting Tips: Start your research having a go to to some
sporting products shop or soccer specialty shop. You will discover
even much more selections if you ever surf and store online. Browse
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lengthier usually purchase to account for feasible shrinkage and
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To lengthen the existence from the replica soccer jersey(Soccer Jersey
store ) following several washings (and
feasible shrinking), you may possibly desire to buy a dimension
larger. When in doubt, it is much more cozy to possess a roomier
jersey than a tight one, especially if you ever must layer for cooler
weather. Choose a style and colours that suit your character and
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TOPIC: Speaker Crossover Wiring : Solve the Puzzle

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 11:43 am
From: "Chris F."

Someone brought me an old Wharfedale model W-90 monitor speaker, a massive
old beast with two highs, two midranges, and two 15" woofers. The problem
was that the crossover circuits are damaged; two 50 ohm potentiometers were
burned up, and someone had attempted to bypass them, getting the wiring
mixed up in the process. I've drawn up a diagram of the components,
numbering each component lead rather than show how they were hooked up. You
can view the diagram here:

I'm hoping that someone can figure out the arrangement, and rather than have
to draw up a schematic for me, you can just point out which numbers to
Some notes:
-the connections between the high and midrange speakers appear to be
original, though I cannot be certain
-the woofers are presently connected in series (each measures 4 ohms)
-values of the other components are as follows:
C1 - 25 uF 50VDC
C2 - 12 uF 25VAC (much larger than C1)
L1, L2 - values unknown, but both look identical
VR1, VR2 - 50 ohms, 5 watts wirewound

I played around for a while and was able to achieve a decent sound with the
following configuration: 1-3-8-13, 2-18-24, 22-23, 4-5, 7-17, 9-10, 11-19,
14-21. This doesn't seem right though, since only two leads of each pot are
used, and L2 isn't used at all....
Any help with this would be appreciated.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 11:45 am
From: "Chris F."

I should note that L1 and L2 both measure about 1 ohm.

"Chris F." <> wrote in message
> Someone brought me an old Wharfedale model W-90 monitor speaker, a massive
> old beast with two highs, two midranges, and two 15" woofers. The problem
> was that the crossover circuits are damaged; two 50 ohm potentiometers
> were burned up, and someone had attempted to bypass them, getting the
> wiring mixed up in the process. I've drawn up a diagram of the components,
> numbering each component lead rather than show how they were hooked up.
> You can view the diagram here:
> I'm hoping that someone can figure out the arrangement, and rather than
> have to draw up a schematic for me, you can just point out which numbers
> to connect.
> Some notes:
> -the connections between the high and midrange speakers appear to be
> original, though I cannot be certain
> -the woofers are presently connected in series (each measures 4 ohms)
> -values of the other components are as follows:
> C1 - 25 uF 50VDC
> C2 - 12 uF 25VAC (much larger than C1)
> L1, L2 - values unknown, but both look identical
> VR1, VR2 - 50 ohms, 5 watts wirewound
> I played around for a while and was able to achieve a decent sound with
> the following configuration: 1-3-8-13, 2-18-24, 22-23, 4-5, 7-17, 9-10,
> 11-19, 14-21. This doesn't seem right though, since only two leads of each
> pot are used, and L2 isn't used at all....
> Any help with this would be appreciated.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 12:19 pm
From: "William Sommerwerck"

The following is a guess. It would be useful to know the inductance of the
coils, the impedance of the drivers, and the crossover frequencies.

The woofers would not normally be wired in series. I'm guessing that each
woofer uses one inductor for a low-pass filter.

That leaves the caps. The 25uF cap would most-likely go in series with the
midrange units, the 12uF in series with the tweeters.

Both capacitors should be non-polar. I don't know why the 25uF isn't.

Because the level controls can interact with the crossover, it's hard to
know where they went.

This is a "common sense" configuration. We don't know what the Wharfedale
designers were trying to do, or what driver problems they were trying to
compensate for.

The probability of getting the "right" configuration is small. I once worked
through the crossover for a classic two-way system -- the Advent -- and it
was neither simple nor obvious.

Why haven't you contacted Wharfedale?

Why should I have to look this up for you?

TOPIC: Recommendation for electronics forums?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 12:00 pm
From: Wiebe Cazemier

Michael A. Terrell wrote:

>> >
>> >Smitty Two wrote:
>> >>
>> >> In article <4d854cd2$0$2434$>,
>> >> David Nebenzahl <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > The subject of my current research is the ins and
>> >> > outs of op amps.
>> >>
>> >> A little pun, there?
>> >
>> > A bit bipolar, if you ask me...
>> I dunno, but then again I may be biased.
> I figured that you were a little off center. :)

Now that's unfair feedback :)

TOPIC: Media Center - B2B Marketplace

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Apr 1 2011 1:01 pm
From: Giuelith Diamond

Här hittar du bl a, transportfordon, entreprenadmaskiner,
skogsmaskiner, jordbruksmaskiner, lantbruksmaskiner, myndighetsfordon,
fordonsauktioner, varupartier, konkursauktioner, konkurser,
företagsmarknader, fastigheter, egendomsmarknad, tjänster och
arbetsmarknad, mm., i en mix av en rad andra aktuella trender. är en integrerad del av en grossist verksamhet på den
Europeiska handelsmarknaden. Tillsammans med en dynamisk lösning i
kombination av IT-baserad tjänsteservice och reklam har ett
omfattande leverantörsnätverk till förfogande för marknadens ledande
marknadsföringssystem. Därför kan vi på erbjuda våra kunder
en rad E-handels tjänster och en god service. Våra IT-strategiska
lösningar, profilering samt marknadsföring för en aktuell lansering
samt marknadsintroduktion har genom en rad olika alternativ visat sig
många gånger framgångsrikt tackvare Mixet's optimeringar. Där en
marknadsintegration effektivast möter en efterfrågan det är i detta vi
kan erbjuda annonsörer idag en mest genomtänkt marknadsföring.
Konsultera någon av våra säljare för mer detaljerade uppgifter om
skräddarsydda marknadsföringserbjudanden för ert företag. Välkommen


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